
Renault found guilty but escape punishment

The World Motor Sport Council have found Renault guilty of spying however had decided not to punish the team.

An FIA statement reads, “An extraordinary meeting of the World Motor Sport Council was held in Monaco on December 6, 2007. The World Council found Renault F1 to be in breach of article 151c of the International Sporting Code but imposed no penalty. Detailed reasons for this decision will be issued on December 7, 2007, and a transcript of the proceedings will be published as soon as possible thereafter.”

This decision by the FIA mirrors the decision that was made in July over McLaren s espionage case the team were found guilty but escaped punishment. However, e-mail evidence between Fernando Alonso and Pedro de la Rosa came to light after the decision had been reached and, along with mobile phone call records and SMS messages between Nigel Stepney and Mike Coughlan, McLaren were called before a further hearing and were fined USD 100 million and were thrown out of the 2007 constructors championship.

McLaren are being hauled in front of the FIA tomorrow where they will learn whether or not any Ferrari intellectual property has been found on their 2008 car.

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