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I have been thinking about the new teams coming in next year and I have to say that the world is against them.

To start with the have had 6 months to design and build a car, all the other F1 teams I would imagine are going to turn up next year with an evolution of this years car.

The first day of testing next year when Manor, Compost and co turn up. There cars are going to be in the same position that all the current teams where last year. I am sure if Ferrari/Mclaren can build a mobile chicane with all the experience in F1 they have, what chance have some of these guys got?

Day 2 of testing hoping that they have not found any major problems with the cars or they did not end up upside down in the kitty litter because of there inexperienced drivers or ones not good enough to be F1 drivers by any of the existing teams. I know people like Wurtz, De La Rosa, are around but there is not enough to go around. They finally push cars to the limit to find that they have created the next 2008 Honda.

Day 3 - 6 of testing spent trying to work out where it is all gone wrong.

Time up season starts

No in season testing means what you got is what you got, unless you have the resources to sort it like Ferrari and Mclaren have this year. Now then will these teams have the resources... well no doubt they got all there money together at the start of the project and said "40 mill" that is all we need. Now the goalpost has moved, "40 mill" is not going to get you out of trouble, can you get more money?

Season 2

After the dismal display you made of yourselves last year the only sponsorship you can get is for Tesco No Frills, and that is for a baked bean can for the hospitality tent. team folds and is never heard from again.

I suppose what I am saying is the cream always rise to the top. if you are not already in the show then you should have to question if you should be!
It does but how many millions was spent on designing the Brawn, now look look at them not that the money has run out and they are struggling to develop the car.
It does but how many millions was spent on designing the Brawn, now look look at them not that the money has run out and they are struggling to develop the car.

I know - that's why I said 'kinda'.
yeh the Brawn thing is Completely different. they are only a new team by name really, they are running a Honda which was designed with plenty of money and experience

And if it was still Honda the cash and staff would still be there to develop the car faster.
yeh the Brawn thing is Completely different. they are only a new team by name really, they are running a Honda which was designed with plenty of money and experience

And if it was still Honda the cash and staff would still be there to develop the car faster.

But they'd still have a piece of crap engine :hehe:
Wasn't this american effort was supposed to be poised to launch their car in 2008 but decided to wait another year? I think they have been working on the car for sometime... I do agree though. The odds are firmly stacked agains't any new entrants. This 40 mil figure that has been banded about is far too small. Manor and Campos will probably just make up the numbers. No budget to develop the car, no in season testing, no good drivers (they're already in acadamy set ups of the bigger teams). You need to be much better in F1 these days. The new cars don't drive themselves any more. They're more like really fast go-karts.

The more etasblished teams have promised to give the new teams data and to help out as much as they can. I can see Martin Whitmarsh telling the new boys that 'you'll go much faster if you have square wheels...' lol
I think you could be designing a car since 1955 unless you see it on track and find out what is wrong with it you will never learn about a car. USF1 I think will be the only team next year that seems to have money as I am sure that no matter what most of the world thinks about Americans if it has an American tag on it lke US then they will put there full weight behind it.

(not like us Brits who would put our name on it and then call it rubbish)
Its going to be horrible. I bet its all red, white and blue and covered in stars. Ugh...

I'm sure that they'll have bags of cash. American companies will be lining up to sponsor an American team.

I just hope they don't use the US of A sceme to market it. It'll just look stupid alongside the more traditional, none nationalist teams. Force india have managed a tasteful looking design using their flag colours, I hope the new Americans manage to tone down the American-ness of it all.


I can hear it now... oh no...
Nah what's the point of having an all American team if they aren't going to shout about it! I want all the stars and stripes, born in the USA theme and whooping! Think it will bring something new to the sport as well as a bit of bloody enthusiasm . . . . so I'm well up for it and hope they do well :thumbup:
Having worked with Americans over the years, I think what they have that the Brits especially don't understand is they believe that their nation is great and can not do anything wrong (I am not saying that America does do anything wrong by that) and as such have great national pride.

We Brits on the other hand spend to much time disliking each other... well the English mainly lol.

So that is why USF1 will fly the flag in a big way, Infact I would not be surprised if Hulk Hogan is not the fuel man.
Having worked with Americans over the years, I think what they have that the Brits especially don't understand is they believe that their nation is great and can not do anything wrong (I am not saying that America does do anything wrong by that) and as such have great national pride.

We Brits on the other hand spend to much time disliking each other... well the English mainly lol.

So that is why USF1 will fly the flag in a big way, Infact I would not be surprised if Hulk Hogan is not the fuel man.

Here's hope that Peter Windsor, an Englishman/Aussie, will have a moderating influence on this issue :P

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