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By PJ640
Has anyone else noticed that when during on board camera shots, whether it be in the cockpit, looking out the rear etc, that the engine note changes during upshifts? (aside from the obvious change of engine noise)
It sounds as if momentarily a lower gear was selected instead of a higher one.
It isn't a KERS boost (according to the graphics on the screen), and it can't be wheelspin so I was wondering what causes it.
The commentators never mention it, so the only other theory is that there is a glitch in my recorder. I don't like this theory though because I have noticed it happening quite often, and it's always in acceleration zones during what should be upshifts.
Any ideas? :confused:
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By madbrad
The graphic is a couple seconds behind the sound and picture from what I can glean. Don't know if that would account for your problem.
The sounds seem to be wrong as well. It's almost as though you are hearing two or more cars at once; for instance, you may hear the sound of a car whose onboard camera you are watching, as well as another car further behind or ahead which is braking and downshifting. The technicians need to sort it out.
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By Denthúl
Could it be the implementation of a lower rev limit than last year? The engines would have been designed with the 19,000RPM limit in mind (as there were, at the time, no plans to change it) and so some manufacturers may have had to stick something extra on in order to sort that.
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By Gilles 27
Its a sound issue according to Martin Brundle, I thought it was KERS too at first. I can't imagine what kind of sound issue would cause that though...
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By Jensonb
Does anyone have a recording of the specific issue? I can't really figure out what you mean.
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By madbrad
MB has on numerous occasions pointed out that the radio conversations are aired a few minutes after they occur.
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By PJ640
Thanks for that !
Atleast a few other people have heard it too, I guess that rules out a glitch in my recorder.
It can't be an issue with time delay with the audio, because while the pit to car radio messages are most certainly delayed, the in car audio is realtime (give or take a few nanoseconds).
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By PJ640
It happened again during the Turkish Gp.

On lap 36, whilst we were on board with Barrichello it occured. Martin Brundle was just beginning to explain why this sound issue occurs, when Channel TEN in Australia interrupted with some adverts. Martin began by saying ;

"That funny noise you hear? We think that's when they're changing from cells, from um.........."

Did anyone hear the end of Martins explanation?
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By bud
It happened again during the Turkish Gp.

On lap 36, whilst we were on board with Barrichello it occured. Martin Brundle was just beginning to explain why this sound issue occurs, when Channel TEN in Australia interrupted with some adverts. Martin began by saying ;

"That funny noise you hear? We think that's when they're changing from cells, from um.........."

Did anyone hear the end of Martins explanation?

Yeah he did go on to explain it didnt he, but Ten didnt interrupt it was Martin getting distracted by pitstops from memory, i was hanging for him to get back to his explanation it but he didnt :banghead::hehe:

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