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By sagi58
Joan Rivers! A name that always brings a smile to my face!
Love her quick witted and witty comments, most of all I love
her ability to laugh at herself!!

Rest in Peace, Joan!!

, Richard Ouzounian wrote:">Joan Rivers, trailblazing comedian, dead at 81

“Every joke I make, no matter how tasteless, is there to draw attention to something I really care about.”

She’s the woman who asked “can we talk” — and then made sure we had plenty to listen to.

Joan Rivers died at Mount Sinai Hospital in Manhattan on Thursday afternoon at the age of 81. She had been taken there a week ago after losing consciousness during a procedure on her vocal cords at a private clinic.

Surely Rivers herself would have savoured the dark irony of leaving this life because she had to make sure she kept her power of speech intact. After all, she did title her 1986 autobiography, Enter Talking.


Read more: ... _says.html
 wrote:">Six Serious Lessons From Joan Rivers' Career In Comedy

The next time you feel bummed out about your career, think of Joan Rivers. Not the jokes, though they could certainly cheer you up. But what an amazing role model and inspiration she was for other women.

Rivers, who died today at the age of 81, surmounted blatant sexism to become one of America’s first female standup comics. In a career that spanned more than 50 years, she continued working long after women her age in other professions were considered washed up. She’s being eulogized as a role model for other “tough talking” comedians like Roseanne Barr and Sarah Silverman. But she led by example for women in many other fields, too. Here’s what we can all learn from her trailblazing career.

Read more: ... er-career/
, Kelli Bender wrote:">The History of Joan Rivers's Most Famous Catchphrase: 'Can We Talk?'

The world lost an unforgettable comedian on Thursday, when Joan Rivers passed away at the age of 81.

"My mother's greatest joy in life was to make people laugh. Although that is difficult to do right now, I know her final wish would be that we return to laughing soon," Rivers's daughter Melissa said in a statement regarding her mother's death obtained by PEOPLE.

Making people laugh was never a problem for the comedian, who started on the nightclub circuit in the 1960s. Through her decades of entertaining on stage and screen, Rivers developed numerous classic bits and catchphrases, but three small words stand above the rest: "Can we talk?"

This simple phrase helped propel Rivers to national stardom – without her even realizing it. As she explains in the interview above, the catchphrase naturally slipped into her stripped-down comedy routine, and soon enough, fans were repeating it back to her.

"Rodney Dangerfield figured out 'I can't get no respect,'" Rivers explains in the clip above. "And he said to me, 'Can we talk?' And I was like, 'What? Can we talk?' And he said, 'Oh, you use that phrase.' "

Dangerfield wasn't the only one to notice. "Can we talk?" quickly became a Rivers signature question, and the catchphrase took on a life of its own. See below how this simple question and its iterations helped Rivers grow into the legendary comedian we remember today.

As the phrase grew in popularity, so did the reactions from the crowd. By the 1980s, a mention of "Can we talk?" in Rivers's monologue was met with excited applause, such as this 1984 clip from one of Rivers's numerous Tonight Show appearances.

"Can we talk?" grew into an official TV presence when Rivers was given her own talk show in 1986 named for the famous line.

The "Can we talk?" craze didn't stop there. Rivers's rep for being a big gabber helped her land a commercial deal with telecommunication company MCl that lasted throughout the '80s.

RIP Joan. She was such a funny woman and never afraid to speak her mind.
, Elizabeth Durand Streisand wrote:">Joan Rivers's Funeral Set for Sunday; Burial Arrangements Underway

...In her 2012 book, I Hate Everyone… Starting With Me, the comedienne revealed her hopes for her funeral, down to the last, star-studded detail. Not surprisingly, even on the topic of her own death, Rivers was honest, irreverent, and aimed, above all, to make the rest of us laugh.

"I want Craft services, I want paparazzi and I want publicists making a scene! I want it to be Hollywood all the way," she wrote. "I don't want some rabbi rambling on; I want Meryl Streep crying, in five different accents. I don't want a eulogy; I want Bobby Vinton to pick up my head and sing, 'Mr. Lonely.' I want to look gorgeous, better dead than I do alive. I want to be buried in a Valentino gown and I want Harry Winston to make me a toe tag. And I want a wind machine so that even in the casket my hair is blowing just like Beyoncé's."...

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