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Just as it says...
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By Jabberwocky
As it is 100 years (give or take depending on what country you are from) that it began

This video for me, sums up the military way for me. Laughing until the end. It also shows the level of war fare was like in WW1

Even for a Comedy programme, I always thought that final scene was extremely powerful.

Never been in the armed forces (obviously), but I have great admiration for anyone who has served and been in conflict (even if I dont always agree on the reasons for being in the conflict).
By What's Burning?
A film that preceded Chariots of Fire was Gallipoli, it impacted me more than any other film had ever watched at that time and underscored the senseless letting of life that is war.
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By Jabberwocky
Gallipoli was a good film.

Does anyone remember the game Cannon Fodder. Where when you finished every level you saw a picture of the cemetery with all the names of your troops that was killed. That did the same for me.
By Hammer278
I'd like to have the chance to go to war. I know this sounds like I'm an ignoramus, but really...I have a lot of respect for soldiers. And I don't know that part of myself yet. When my life is in danger, will I go all in screaming in fury....or go with the crowd praying I get out of it alive?

Bottom line, if I die it was for a good cause. If I survive, there's no way I can feel more alive for the rest of my life. If this makes sense.
By CookinFlat6
Nah, if you die you were just unlucky, its like playing the lottery everyday for a while

The best war film I have ever seen, and I highly recommend, especially to you Hamms, is Terrence Malicks 'The Red Line'

This scene should give you an idea of the films scope


and if you liked that heres more

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By sagi58
Personally, I can't pretend to understand what it means to live in a
land that is torn apart by violence. I don't know what I would do, in
such a situation (defending my family and friends, is a given).

It is a shame that we can't "always" live in peace; but, it would seem
that each era has its bullies, its greedy, its power-mongers.

I wish they could see themselves in this video:

By Hammer278
Nah, if you die you were just unlucky, its like playing the lottery everyday for a while

The best war film I have ever seen, and I highly recommend, especially to you Hamms, is Terrence Malicks 'The Red Line'

This scene should give you an idea of the films scope


and if you liked that heres more


Watched them last night but forgot to post. Looks very interesting, Ima download that. Thanks!
By LiamCatterson
I agree, I always found that last scene powerful and touching for a comedy. But I guess it makes sense because whereas it was a comedy, being set in a powerful war, it was the best choice to end the series.
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By stonemonkey
I'm surprised the 'Mericans haven't made their own like they tried with Red Dwarf.

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