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Just as it says...
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By geetface9
Just finished watching the tour and Vincenzo Nibali is the man!! Kinda sick of hearing stuff about how froome or contador would have won if they were there, but, uh, a huh huh THEY WEREN'T!! Either way, I think Nibali would have given them a run for their money. Nobody beat him up the mountains unless he let them for tactical reasons.


I've gotta consider myself an Astana fan now. I like their jerseys and their riders. I think I might try and find a nibali jersey online so I can sport it around town
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By racechick
I kindov lost a bit of interest in the tour this year with so many top riders being out, Specially Cavendish. I didn't like him to begin with, but have grown to really really like him. I love his sprint finishes . So sad he was out this year.
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By geetface9
I didn't really like him to begin with either and now I definitely think he's a huge @$$ $#@!*& :rofl: marcel kittel is the man!! :thumbup:
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By geetface9


Someone you actually support....



Hard to believe, I know! :rofl:

But he stated his support AFTER they won. So the curse doesn't apply.


Real talk! But in a sense I liked him before froome and contador went out. After he had the jersey from stage 2 onwards I was like $#@! yeah vincenzo 8-)
By Hammer278
The only dude I know from TdF is Lance Armstrong... the roided up guy who beat other roided up guys and paid a heavy price.

What's happened with that guy? No more competing on bikes?
The only dude I know from TdF is Lance Armstrong... the roided up guy who beat other roided up guys and paid a heavy price.

What's happened with that guy? No more competing on bikes?

He is dead. Was given the death sentence.
By Hammer278
That's harsh as f**k. Killing a guy's career and something he's known his whole life...just like that.
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By geetface9
Yeah he got it pretty bad. What's worse is the villification, I think. Cheating is cheating and should be punished but the media wanted somebody/something to horrifically crucify, and they did
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By racechick
There's a documentary on him I saw the other day. He was pretty bad. Lying all the time and making others do the same cheating .
By Ichabod
I also watched that documentary
Lance was more than just a drug cheat, he was a ringleader forcing his team mates to dope, and if anyone challenged him
He would threaten legal action, slander their name and ruin their careers.

If Lance had just admitted it when caught he would have received a year or two ban at most, but he continued with the lying
is now banned from cycling for life and Nike want their $100m back
Imo the worst thing for Lance is that his own foundation want nothing to do with him, and all the good work he did with cancer survivors
is now tarnished.

cheaters never prosper
By Hammer278
I also watched that documentary
Lance was more than just a drug cheat, he was a ringleader forcing his team mates to dope, and if anyone challenged him
He would threaten legal action, slander their name and ruin their careers.

If Lance had just admitted it when caught he would have received a year or two ban at most, but he continued with the lying
is now banned from cycling for life and Nike want their $100m back
Imo the worst thing for Lance is that his own foundation want nothing to do with him, and all the good work he did with cancer survivors
is now tarnished.

cheaters never prosper

Oh.. okay never knew that part. Then I guess its just desserts.
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By geetface9
Oh $#@! ..I never heard anything about that! Dude deserved what he got then imo...i'm gonna see if I can find some of that stuff on youtube now
I heard there was a cyclist that wasn't using drugs once. The thing is that Lance became an behaved like a corporation. Hinalut, Indurain, Merckx, it's just as likely that even going back into the 50s and 60s the culture of drug us in the TDF has been there.

Humans aren't built to do day in and day out for a month what those guys are doing without recovery.

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