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By sagi58
I know, I know, this is an F1 forum!! But, everybody's gotta eat, eh?
So... share a favourite recipe, ask for help with one, share a hint!!

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By sagi58
Here are some handy hints (which is what gave me the idea for the thread):

, Jane Maynard wrote:">17 Life-Changing Cooking Hacks

These kitchen tricks will make cooking SO much easier.

1. Use two plates to safely cut a lot of little tomatoes at once.
Lay the tomatoes you wish to slice in half on a small plate. Place another plate on top and then run a very sharp knife through the gap between the two plates, holding the top plate securely with your other hand.

Voila! Tons of tomatoes cut at one time with all 10 fingers accounted for! (via Jane Maynard)

2. Serve ice cream with a knife, not a scoop.
Next time you’’re serving ice cream at a party throw the scoop away. Just dip the closed ice cream container into a large bowl of hot water from the tap for 15-30 seconds, remove the lid, and invert onto a large platter or wood cutting board, then slice the servings with a hot knife. (via Jane Maynard)

3. Use a hot knife to slice cake perfectly.
Run your knife underneath the hot water from the tap, dry it off with a towel, and then cut your cake. You may need to re-heat the knife a couple times throughout the process but it works like a charm, especially on thick, rich cakes, like this SoNo Chocolate Ganache Cake. (via Jane Maynard)

4. Open jars instantly with a bottle opener.
Gently lift the edge of the jar’s lid until you hear the seal pop, and then unscrew like normal. (via This Week for Dinner)

5. Form cookie dough into balls and freeze them so you have ready-to-bake, homemade cookies available at all times.
Next time you make a batch of cookies, freeze the leftover dough into ready-to-bake cookie balls. You will always have fresh-baked cookies just 10 minutes away, which is both incredibly wonderful and insanely dangerous. (via This Week for Dinner)

6. Make mini taco bowls using an upside-down cupcake tin.
If you have a muffin tin and tortillas, mini taco bowls are just a few steps away! Just flip the muffin tin over, shape your bowls with a tortilla, and bake! (via Emily Bites)

7. Keep brown sugar from getting hard by throwing a piece of bread into the container.
Want to know how to keep your brown sugar soft as the day you opened the package? Throw a piece of bread into the container. Yep, that’’s it. The bread magically keeps the sugar soft, and never gets moldy or gross. (via This Week
for Dinner)

8. Freeze broth in ice cube trays to keep a big container from going bad.
Why food companies insist on selling chicken, beef, and veggie broth in 32-ounce containers may forever be a mystery.
Instead of letting the rest of the broth go to waste, just pour leftover broth into an ice cube tray, freeze, and then store in
an airtight container. Two cubes is about ¼ cup and the broth will always be ready when you are. (via Fannetastic Food)

9. Instead of wasting cabinet space with a funnel, just use an envelope.
Simply snip a hole in one of the sealed corners of an envelope and you can funnel to your heart’’s content. (via
Simple Bites)

10. Freeze leftover wine to use for cooking later.
If you ever find yourself with leftover wine (does that really happen?), just measure out the leftovers into Ziploc bags and
toss in the freezer for later; perfect for when you need wine in a recipe! (via This Week for Dinner)

11. Keep guacamole from turning brown by pouring water on top of it.
There is nothing quite so delicious as brown guacamole. To keep it green, you have to block the surface of the avocado
from touching oxygen, and there is just one great way to do that —— with water! Carefully pour enough water on top of
the guacamole to cover it, and cover the container. When you're ready to eat it, just carefully pour off the water.
(via This Week for Dinner)

12. Dice a mango quickly by keeping it on the skin instead of peeling it first.
Slice off the sides of the fruit, cut the flesh of the mango into a grid right in the skin, then flip it inside out and slice
everything off the skin. (via The View from Great Island)

13. Make gluten-free breadcrumbs using cereal and a food processor.
Get out your food processor, and process brown rice cereal for basic unflavoured “bread” crumbs and Rice Chex for
panko “bread” crumbs! If you need seasoned crumbs and don't want to add your own seasoning, just use flavoured
gluten-free pretzels. (via Beard and Bonnet)

14. Make rich hot chocolate by melting supermarket truffles in hot milk.
Hot chocolate made with real chocolate shavings is the best kind around. But who has time to shave all that chocolate? Heat a mug of milk in the microwave for two minutes, pop in three or four truffles, and stir. You're done! (via This Week for Dinner)

15. Bring eggs to room temperature in five minutes with a bowl of warm water.
There is nothing more frustrating than getting halfway through a recipe and realizing your eggs are supposed to be room temperature. If you forget to take the eggs out an hour before you start cooking (because, really, who ever remembers to do that?), just put the eggs in a bowl of hot water for 5-10 minutes and you’’ll be good to go! (via Eat the Love)

16. Make homemade mayonnaise in 30 seconds using oil and eggs.
Throw an egg and a cup of oil into a glass jar or sturdy glass. Turn on an immersion blender and blend from bottom to top until you have mayo. (via The View from Great Island)

17. Cut corn off the cob quickly and neatly by holding it steady with a Bundt pan.
Get out a sharp knife and a large Bundt cake pan, and get cutting. The center of the pan will help you hold the cob securely in place and the pan will catch all the corn while you cut.

p.s. I question the sanity of #5, 9, 10 and 11, possibly even 16!
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By Jabberwocky
I love chefing I would say cookin but someone might get excited.

Yesterday I got a bit bored making Sunday lunch so mixed some Masala powder into the stuffing. It was lovely

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By stonemonkey
I know, I know, this is an F1 forum!! But, everybody's gotta eat, eh?
So... share a favourite recipe, ask for help with one, share a hint!!

A couple of years ago I was doing F1 theme cooking, each race weekend i`d try something appropriate to where the race was, curry for India, spag bol for Italy, poutine for Canada etc.
By What's Burning?
You can easily peel garlic cloves by placing them in two stainless steel bowls, enclosing them like a sphere and then shaking the hell out of them. No quicker way to peel them in bulk.

BTW the tomatoes between two plates trick only works with cherry tomatoes and up, don't try it with grape tomatoes.
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By sagi58
p.s. I question the sanity of #5, 9, 10 and 11, possibly even 16!

Why 5? :confused:

Too much temptation, when you're trying to get into shape!!
Mind you, some people would say that round cookie dough is a shape!!
User avatar
By sagi58
I know, I know, this is an F1 forum!! But, everybody's gotta eat, eh?
So... share a favourite recipe, ask for help with one, share a hint!!

A couple of years ago I was doing F1 theme cooking, each race weekend i`d try something appropriate to where the race was, curry for India, spag bol for Italy, poutine for Canada etc.

What a great idea!! I'm sorry that I didn't see it!!
As a moderator, would you merge the two threads? :thumbup:
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By sagi58
...BTW the tomatoes between two plates trick only works with cherry tomatoes and up, don't try it with grape tomatoes.

Those are more fun to just pop into your mouth!! :D
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By sagi58
If you've ever tried, you know how hard it is to get the skin off these Italian "salsicce"!!


Here's a trick: While you've got warm water running out of the tap, rub the salsicce in
your hand until the skin turns almost white and then tear it off.

((Why do I get the feeling someone is going to see that as being "rude"?? :twisted: ))
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By LewEngBridewell
I know, I know, this is an F1 forum!! But, everybody's gotta eat, eh?
So... share a favourite recipe, ask for help with one, share a hint!!

A couple of years ago I was doing F1 theme cooking, each race weekend i`d try something appropriate to where the race was, curry for India, spag bol for Italy, poutine for Canada etc.

I seem to remember you doing that! You said you were doing so, in some long-lost-thread...
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By Denthúl
p.s. I question the sanity of #5, 9, 10 and 11, possibly even 16!

Why 5? :confused:

Too much temptation, when you're trying to get into shape!!
Mind you, some people would say that round cookie dough is a shape!!


So far, I've managed to resist temptation to thaw out and use any of the dough in my freezer (cookie, pizza, sweet pastry) outside of the days I'd already planned to use them. Whether or not that remains the case in future, I guess we'll have to wait and see. :P
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By Jabberwocky
I did an F1 beer year once. Would not work so well now with Muslim/non alcoholic countries on the calender.

On the food side of things one of the best tips I ever got is that ignore the best before dates on eggs. Before you want to use them drop them into some water. If they float they are off so don't eat them

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