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By geetface9
Diablo III comes out in two days!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT who else is excited?!?! What classes you going to play?? I'm going to start with a barbarian and demon hunter. I played both in the open beta and they raped!!
By What's Burning?
I wish I had more time. I played the Beta off an on since February, too limited to get a real sense of maturing characters. I liked the Demon hunter and Monk. It's looking like all network games are going the charge you up front and then nickle and dime you to play route there after.
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By acosmichippo
I started a Monk. It's pretty fun. I'm pretty sure you can be any class and lay waste.
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By geetface9
Luckily you just pay up front and don't have to pay for anything again. Unless blizzard releases an expansion in a few years. I'm having a lot of fun with it so far. I'm level 20 and I think about 1/3 - 1/2 way through act 2. I'm playing a barbarian at the moment and I'm smashing faces in big :censored: time!!! I just got whirlwind too :twisted::twisted::twisted: My next character will be a demon hunter for sure. I had a lot of fun with that in the beta.
By What's Burning?
Level 30 Demon hunter at the moment, wrapping up Act III. the game has been playable in single player mode so far and I've only had to joing a multi player game to get pasts Beliel in Act II. I wanted to play the game through alone the first time around just to get a good sense of everything before I go multiplayer. Haven't seen a single unique drop yet!
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By IceManpjn
As a veteran of the previous two games, I can't wait to get into Diablo III. I've been busy thus far and haven't had time to pick it up, but suspect I may get it later this afternoon.
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By geetface9
Level 30 Demon hunter at the moment, wrapping up Act III. the game has been playable in single player mode so far and I've only had to joing a multi player game to get pasts Beliel in Act II. I wanted to play the game through alone the first time around just to get a good sense of everything before I go multiplayer. Haven't seen a single unique drop yet!

Nice. I hit 26 today. I got call of the ancients as well, which lets me summon those three ancient barbarian guys for 15 seconds that you had to kill to get to baal's cave or w/e in diablo 2. I beat all of act 2 with some buddies online over the last 2 days. I was on my barb and my friends were on a witch doctor, monk, and wizard, so we had variety :twisted: I'll definitely have to play through a lot of it solo in the future though to get the full story cuz we're always talking over the cutscenes and such on our headsets lol

I've seen a bunch of yellow items and we even had an orange monk item drop today
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By geetface9
As a veteran of the previous two games, I can't wait to get into Diablo III. I've been busy thus far and haven't had time to pick it up, but suspect I may get it later this afternoon.

Get that sh1t asap dude!! :thumbup:
By What's Burning?
Started a monk. I'm done with normal and off to nightmare. I was able to finish Diablo my myself but I did have to go trading for a few items. At least gold is usable now and has buying power. No spoilers but it's been a little predictable with one interesting twist. So far it's been a bit dark in the way some important NPC's are being killed off.
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By geetface9
I'm in act 3 nightmare right now with my lvl 47 barb. I seem to be handling it well. There have been packs of elite and champion mobs that have killed me 4-5 times before I was able to succeed but I do enjoy that there is some level of strategy in this game as far as character movement and which abilities to have ready for each fight. The guys that really do a number on me in act 3 are the ones that stick their arms in the ground and then that green plague stuff pops up under you...all it takes is about 3 of those to put the hurt on, and usually you run into them in groups of 5-6!!!! And the guys that swell up, turn red, and knock you back. Those are usually in packs of 4-7 and can disable you completely and kill you if they get a good string of consecutive knockbacks, so I'm forced to pull my own knockback or stun abilities out and that usually solves the problem :twisted: I'm having a great time with it. I have about 16k hp right now and 900 damage. I've gained about 5k hp in the last day because I've been making some small dmg sacrifices for huge gains in hp, which I was in desperate need of when I started nightmare. I seem to be doing well as I've cleared all of it by myself so far.
By What's Burning?
Anyone get around to this yet?

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By acosmichippo
I beat it once, and got tired of it. I doubt I'll be playing again. I'll probably hold off on gaming until the expansion for Skyrim comes out.
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By geetface9
Anyone get around to this yet?


I did it once on normal difficulty about a week after the game came out. I need a lot more magic find :irked:
By What's Burning?
Interesting article on the bbc site. So says the guy with the level 60 demon hunter in inferno. :hehe:
Game maker Valve appoints in-house video games economist

Game maker Valve has appointed an in-house economist to help manage the virtual economies that have sprung up around its many titles. The company has signed up economics professor Yanis Varoufakis as their resident expert adviser. Valve contacted Prof Mr Varoufakis as it started to think about linking game economies and hit virtual currency exchange problems. It comes as South Korea attempts to crack down on trading in video games.

In a blog explaining how he came to work for Valve, Prof Varoufakis said first contact was made by Gabe Newell, president of the games company. Mr Newell had been reading Prof Varoufakis's blog post about the economic imbalance between Germany and Greece.
"We were discussing an issue of linking economies in two virtual environments (creating a shared currency)," wrote Mr Newell, adding that this seemed to have direct parallels with what had happened in the real world.

Intrigued, Mr Varoufakis replied and then visited Valve to talk about the issues. This was despite the fact that he was not a gamer and he last played a computer game - space invaders - in 1981. 'Test-bed' Prof Varoufakis said he had decided to sign on with Valve because of the novel applications of economic theory it would lead to. "Also," he said, "Valve's digital economies are a marvellous test-bed for meaningful experimentation." Diablo 3 auction house In Diablo 3, players can sell rare items for real-world cash

By contrast, he said, such experimentation was impossible in the real world. This situation, he wrote, meant economists often relied on hunches or happy accidents to avoid reaching absurd conclusions about the underlying causes of financial activity. At Valve, Prof Varoufakis said he would be doing a lot of data mining and experimentation to help the company understand what was happening in the online economics springing up around its own titles and the Steam game-playing service.

Valve is not the first game firm to employ a professional economist. Space trading and combat game Eve Online signed up Eyjolfur Guomundsson to advise it on in-game economics in 2007.

Jail time; As Valve steps up its efforts to do more with game economies, South Korea has decided to crack down on the trading of virtual items. Reports suggest that South Korea's Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism will enact a law banning game trading later this year. Online markets have sprung up that let players buy virtual cash to use in games, or trade hard-to-find gear for real money.
In a statement, the South Korean authorities said trading of game cash and gear was a "serious hindrance" to a healthy game culture.
It estimates that 60% of the items being traded on official and unofficial market places were generated using automated programs that "farm" games for loot. Those who break the law could face large fines or prison terms.

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