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By stonemonkey
Just before christmas my PS3 died, not a big problem I thought since sainsburys were selling them cheap.
So I go and buy, get home thinking I can just swap my old HDD into the new machine..... NO! doesn't work, the HDD will only work in a PS3 if it's been formatted in that specific machine.
So I then think I can get a sata-usb adapter and at least copy the gamesaves....... NO! Neither the PS3 or thePC can read from a PS3 formatted HDD connected in that way.
The only way I can see to get my gamesaves off my old HDD is to put it back in the old machine and send it all off to sony for them to return to me a refurbished machine at some cost.

I do have a couple of backups but I think they go back a fair bit.
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By myownalias
That really does suck! Dare I say that Sony deliberately made it that way to fleece it's consumers of even more hard earned cash!

Guess it does remind us all to backup our data on a regular basis... although saying that I have never considered backing up my ps3 like I do my PC data!
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By bud
I have had a good run with my PS3, I purchased one of the original black beauties when they first came out and never had a problem.

I was speaking to one guy who said he bought a new ps3 and transferred his data from the old hdd to the new one. Not sure how he did it though. Nothing on google?
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By stonemonkey
I have had a good run with my PS3, I purchased one of the original black beauties when they first came out and never had a problem.

I was speaking to one guy who said he bought a new ps3 and transferred his data from the old hdd to the new one. Not sure how he did it though. Nothing on google?

Some of your data, gamesaves and stuff, can be backed up and I think restored onto another machine, afaik though the machine you want to backup from has to be working to make the backup.
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By racechick
Sony are bar stewards for this. I had a sony dvd player some time back-bought it because of sony's good reputation, best model etc. But so sensitive was it in their endeaver to stop people playing pirated DVD's, that it rarely played the legal ones. Pile of s***! So I got the cheapest supermarket model and it played everything.
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By geetface9
Usually it's the microsoft crowd complaining of this type of thing with xbox 360. The original one I bought lasted 2 years, then got the red ring of death, so I did the towel trick and it worked for another 3 weeks. After it died again, I caved in and bought a new one. Six months later, the new black xbox 360 with upgraded cooling systems came out, so I was PISSED. :banghead:
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By stonemonkey
Sony are bar stewards for this. I had a sony dvd player some time back-bought it because of sony's good reputation, best model etc. But so sensitive was it in their endeaver to stop people playing pirated DVD's, that it rarely played the legal ones. Pile of s***! So I got the cheapest supermarket model and it played everything.

I've never been impressed enough with other sony gear to pay their prices but when it comes to the consoles there's not as many options and up till now I've been pretty happy with the PS3, still am really and with the amout it's used for gaming/DVD+BR playing/streaming I don't expect it to last forever, I just don't get why they're so tight on the secuirty of it that they don't provide a way of getting your own data off the drive in a case like this other than going through them.
So something to watch out for for PS3 users, keep your game data backed up and I had no warning that it was about to fail.
Maybe I'll go back and play through some of my old games that I never completed now though, biggest pain is all the stuff I lost in GT5.
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By IceManpjn
Usually it's the microsoft crowd complaining of this type of thing with xbox 360. The original one I bought lasted 2 years, then got the red ring of death, so I did the towel trick and it worked for another 3 weeks. After it died again, I caved in and bought a new one.

I don't know why you didn't simply have them fix it. It's absolutely free, after all. You don't even have to cover the expense of shipping it to them, as they send you the packaging and prepaid postage. They don't make you leap through hoops to fix it, either. They were more than happy to fix my launch unit (died just shy of the three-year mark), no questions asked. This was in stark contrast to Sony, who didn't want to honor their own one-year warranty on a slim PS2 when I bought one some years earlier and it quit reading discs after just ten months of treating it like royalty. I had to fight with Sony over the phone and eventually got them to cave in, but I still had to cover the shipping costs myself (free to me with Microsoft).

Ah, if only everything was like Nintendo. You could probably cram a cheeseburger into a Wii and still have Nintendo happily replace it, but on top of that you won't likely need them to fix anything since their hardware is made of unobtainium.
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By killem2
I'm so glad the only console I have is the wii, and now all my games run from a portable HD on it. I feel consoles are far too compact to put parts like HD inside them, if we go SSD then I think consoles would be my go to way of gaming. Right now, wii for the kids, PC for me, and I am golden.
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By stonemonkey
I'm so glad the only console I have is the wii, and now all my games run from a portable HD on it. I feel consoles are far too compact to put parts like HD inside them, if we go SSD then I think consoles would be my go to way of gaming. Right now, wii for the kids, PC for me, and I am golden.

The HDD in the PS3 isn't really the problem, it's just a 2.5 sata that can be pulled out and swapped easily enough. Sony have just made it as hard as possible to get the data off it if something goes wrong.
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By zurich_allan
I must have been fortunate (so far), still got my orinal 60gb PS3 which must be about 6 years old by now and never had a problem with it (now watch as it dies within a week!!), also had both PS1 and PS2 and never had a problem with either. Also got an XBox 360 about 2 years ago and again not had a problem with it yet... To complete the set, I've had a Wii for about 3 years and it's temperamental - sometimes reads discs, sometimes doesn't. Always works after 2 or 3 attempts when it's playing up, but is quite irritating at times!
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By synsei
We have a Wii. It hasn't missed a beat in the two years we've owned it despite some occasional rough handling by the kids. There's also an original xBox in the house which is still going strong after many years of ownership. Likewise a very old PS1, bought just a week after the console was released by Sony. This machine is cosmetically challenged after much hard use, but it still loads disks as quickly as it did when it was new. I guess I've been lucky with my consoles :D

I also own various old 'puters: Atari 520ste. 2x Amiga 1200's, Acorn Archimedes A3010, Commodore 64, various Sinclair Spectrum's. including a mk1 128 (none of your crappy Amstrad versions here). A mint Sinclair ZX81, still in its box complete with manuals, 3 Psion games on Cassette and a Sinclair 16k ram pack (it's never been used. Bought as a possible investment opportunity many, many moons ago for the princely sum of 48 quid). There's also a Dragon 32 and Oric Atmos up in the loft somewhere. I think most of these machines still work although I haven't booted any of them up for about 10 years. Ah, those were the days. I should open a computer museum... :hehe:
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By geetface9
Usually it's the microsoft crowd complaining of this type of thing with xbox 360. The original one I bought lasted 2 years, then got the red ring of death, so I did the towel trick and it worked for another 3 weeks. After it died again, I caved in and bought a new one.

I don't know why you didn't simply have them fix it. It's absolutely free, after all. You don't even have to cover the expense of shipping it to them, as they send you the packaging and prepaid postage. They don't make you leap through hoops to fix it, either. They were more than happy to fix my launch unit (died just shy of the three-year mark), no questions asked. This was in stark contrast to Sony, who didn't want to honor their own one-year warranty on a slim PS2 when I bought one some years earlier and it quit reading discs after just ten months of treating it like royalty. I had to fight with Sony over the phone and eventually got them to cave in, but I still had to cover the shipping costs myself (free to me with Microsoft).

Ah, if only everything was like Nintendo. You could probably cram a cheeseburger into a Wii and still have Nintendo happily replace it, but on top of that you won't likely need them to fix anything since their hardware is made of unobtainium.

All the stuff I read online said I was gonna have to pay for shipping and $100 repair fees... :confused: And I've only heard bad stories about sending it in, waiting 3 months and so on. I voided any warranty I had when I cracked it open myself though, so I have only myself to blame!
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By stonemonkey
WTF are they up to now, I just got the latest system update and SingStar is now permanently on the XMB in the game menu!!!!!!!

Are they trying to piss off their users?

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