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Ferrari boss threatens to withdraw team

Apr.15 (GMM) Ferrari boss Luca di Montezemolo says he cannot guarantee Ferrari will still be in Formula 1 in 2013.

The Italian marque’s president told Auto Bild that the sport “has become too artificial” through deliberately designing tyres that degrade and implementing moveable wings to increase overtaking.

“A steering wheel is now a computer covered in buttons,” said Montezemolo, “and the fans no longer understand.”

He then referred to the expiring Concorde Agreement which is due to be renewed in the not too distance future.

“The contracts expire at the end of 2012. We need to discuss now how to proceed. Ferrari will continue to be there, so long as the sport gives us back something for the development of technology of our production cars. Otherwise not,” said Montezemolo.


Also significant is 2013 is the first season for the proposed blown L-4 engine formula, which I have suspect Ferrari will never accept.
Once again Luca is speaking out of his arse and trussing his own personal agenda. Luca was a F1 team member way back when but now he is just a corporate puppet. I agree though that the 'steering wheel' with all it's buttons and knobs has become a joke.

With all the 'safety' gains made over the past years there is imho no reason why F1 cannot get back to real racing ie manual transmission's, no KERS, no nothing but a driver controlling his own race destiny.
Once again Luca is speaking out of his arse and trussing his own personal agenda. Luca was a F1 team member way back when but now he is just a corporate puppet. I agree though that the 'steering wheel' with all it's buttons and knobs has become a joke.

With all the 'safety' gains made over the past years there is imho no reason why F1 cannot get back to real racing ie manual transmission's, no KERS, no nothing but a driver controlling his own race destiny.

The car will always have a big control over a driver's race destiny.

I'm not surprised that this has come up and it doesn't worry me. It's all about agreeing the new concorde agreement and this is exactly what Bernie wants Ferrari to be doing right now. We've seen it year after year, we pretty much know how it's going to end up. Terms that Bernie finds agreeable will be put in to the contract, Formula One will continue.
Once again Luca is speaking out of his arse and trussing his own personal agenda. Luca was a F1 team member way back when but now he is just a corporate puppet. I agree though that the 'steering wheel' with all it's buttons and knobs has become a joke.

With all the 'safety' gains made over the past years there is imho no reason why F1 cannot get back to real racing ie manual transmission's, no KERS, no nothing but a driver controlling his own race destiny.


The reason F1 was unsafe back then was because of lack of barriers/ run off/ stewarding expertise/ cars made out of plastic cups.

Why cant (cause it can) F1 go back to the sequential manual gearbox, turbo engines? at least engines that are reminiscent of the late 80's in terms of sound and power, but obviously having a gerarbox that peaks in 5/6th, or else theyll never change down the gears in time.

You can still keep the intricate wings and bodywork, but throw in a manual gearbox and none of the KERS DRS and you might see some overtaking.

Infact get rid of intricate design, and make the brakes less powerful and youve got it.
I think LDM is a right pr**k but he's got a point here. Racing is being taken over by technology and the very essence or racing is now 'forced' or 'staged'. It doesn't feel quite right with the KERS and DRS. It's a part of has gotten so good that the cars are too efficient now. Who still remembers in the late 90's and early 00's cars were still blowing up left and right, when quality control was still not mastered?

All being said, In the end if Ferrari leave.... :wavey: and stay out.
The same threat over and over can only work so many times.

Yes, indeed! How many times has LDM threatened to pull out of F1 now? I'm willing to put hard cash down that if these new regulations had worked for Ferrari; LDM would be silent!
The same threat over and over can only work so many times.

Yes, indeed! How many times has LDM threatened to pull out of F1 now? I'm willing to put hard cash down that if these new regulations had worked for Ferrari; LDM would be silent!

I make it three...But I feel like it may be four.
Ferrari do not advertise, but instead rely on the results of their racing in Formula One to get their name out to potential buyers. It also serves the purpose of adding prestige. Formula One can live without Ferrari. Yes, poorer without them, but it would survive. But Ferrari cannot survive without Formula One.

This kind of noise by Monty is just to attempt to leverage others for more concessions and money.

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