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By geetface9
I bought this, too. Game is super fun, especially when you're playing it with a buddy on couch co-op. I'm playing as Katarina, the chick with the guns. :shoot: I love blastin' fools with my shotgun/pistol combo to the FACE BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!

It kinda feels like this

I'm tempted by this - I need something to fill the time until Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim comes out! The problem is the last few games I've tried haven't really held my attention so I don't know if I want to spend more money on something I might not play :(
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By geetface9
I can tell you it's no elder scrolls. No where near as in depth and customizeable as rpg's like that. Actually it's not customizeable at all, other than the bonuses you get on your skills and which skills you pick first. You have your 4 characters, all are pretty different, so there is some replay value in that, but no where near as much as elder scrolls.

It's like diablo for a console, but not as open, in fact it's quite linear. But that doesn't mean the gameplay isn't fun. Just pure fun hack n slash. The interesting part of this game is that you have mana and focus. You gain mana by using your normal attacks, and you gain focus by using your mana. Focus lets you use your healing/defensive abilities and empowered versions of your attacks that use mana, so you constantly have to be making mana and then using it, and then using your focus, cuz it's pointless to just let it sit there unused >:D It's quite entertaining trying to balance that while fighting waves of big bottom spiders, skeletons, mages, wolves, demons, whatever.
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By myownalias
And now the thread has been locked to go die in peace!

It's not the size of your post count, it's what you do with them... 10,000 crap posts are not as good as one good post... ahem... DD :hehe:
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By darwin dali
And now the thread has been locked to go die in peace!

It's not the size of your post count, it's what you do with them... 10,000 crap posts are not as good as one good post... ahem... DD :hehe:


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