Fisichella: I couldn t brake in time

FisiGiancarlo Fisichella has taken responsibility for the accident that sent Williams driver Kazuki Nakajima out of the fray, the Italian veteran admitting that he just didn t brake in time.

The Force India ploughed into the back of Nakajima on the opening corner, ripping the rear wing off the Williams and damaging his own suspension in the process.

“I made a good start but then under braking Bourdais changed direction twice and I couldn t brake in time and went into the back of the Williams,” explained the experienced 35-year-old who is one race away from his 200th start.

Team-mate Adrian Sutil had a first hand view of the collision. “At the start I saw Giancarlo going straight over Nakajima and there was debris all over the track,” revealed the 25-year-old, “so by turns three and four there were cars all over the place.”

Sutil sustained some damage to his own VJM01 as a result of the debris and was forced to change his nosecone which left him well down the pecking order.

“I had some damage on the front wing when another driver touched me through turn five so had to come in to change the nosecone. Luckily the safety car was out and I didn t lose too much time.”

Vijay Mallaya, the flamboyant Chairman and CEO of Force India, remained philosophical about Fisichella s first corner forary.

“It is always a shame to see one of our cars out before the first lap,” mulled the Indian entrepreneur, “but as I have said before, you have to take risks: this is motor racing.”

Kazuki Nakajima meanwhile was oblivious to the shunt that sent him out of the fray, the Williams driver disappointed that he was unable to build on the pace he had shown in Friday warm up.

“I don t know exactly what happened; I just went into the first corner following the guy in front.”

“I didn t change my line and I was suddenly hit from behind. I wanted to make it back to the garage as I thought there was a chance to get the problem fixed and get back out, but my car had suffered too much damage so I had to retire.”

“It s a real shame because we showed we had good long run pace on Friday and were expecting to have the same pace in the race, so we could have done well here this afternoon.”

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