Domenicali rues bad weekend for Ferrari

Ferrari team boss Stefano Domenicali has said that the Belgian Grand Prix weekend was ‘disappointing’ for the Prancing Horse.

Fernando Alonso suffered setbacks and eventually crashed, while Felipe Massa could only manage a distant fourth place.

“For sure it was not really a positive weekend for us,” he is quoted as saying by Autosport. “From the points point of view for sure we lost ground, no doubt about it and it is more difficult but it is not impossible. Up to now I remember in 2007 that we were 17 points behind with two races to go. More difficult than that – I don’t know.”

He issued a rallying call to his team not to give up the fight just yet, however.

“For sure it is more difficult but we want to keep pushing because out of the top five drivers, we were one of the three that did not score a point,” he said. “Maybe in the next couple of races something will happen the other way around, so we just need to be there and to not give up.

“We did not go out this weekend with the performance that we were expecting, and we need to understand why. We need to be very cautious because two races ago we saw one of our competitors, McLaren, seemed to be suffering and now it seems to be that they were very strong.”

He went on to allude to the competitive and unpredictable nature of the season so far.

“Race by race, the scenario is changing so quickly that it is difficult to predict something. It is important to be there because with these conditions anything can happen.”

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