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Formula One related discussion.
By Marco
I'm missing the tyre battle between Michelin and Bridgestone, I didnt think I would given the level playing field all teams would be on. But I just find it a little dull, the tyre markings are a good idea but again I think it'll just lead to more boring races as teams match their competitors.
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By darwin dali
I think the tires had way too much of an influence on the outcome of the races in the past when we had the tire war going on. It didn't use to be that way before the Michelin-Bridgestone competition even with more than one tire supplier in the past. Did we have more boring racing going on back then? No!
Most of you keep whining about those driver aids F1 should get rid of because we want the drivers to have to show their skills to win rather than the better gizmos and engineers guarantee them the win. Well, a better tire (compared to the competition) could be viewed as a driver aid because you can take corners faster with the better grip, etc. By having a 'control' tire that is less optimized to a team or even a driver, racing becomes more interesting again because the drivers have the same tires to deal with and can show off their skills better.
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By sidepodcast
see, i'm thinking the biggest tyre issue we have right now, is the fact that these new bridgestone's require so much extra downforce in order to make them work (compared to last year).

chasing cars have even less chance of overtaking than they did in 2006, because more downforce = more dirty air at the rear.

what we need is softer tyres, and you know one way to get softer tyres? have a tyre war :)
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By Stephen
Didn't they revert to tyre compounds from 2004 or something?
By Alien_SAP_Fiend
Yeah, same year as the Ferrari, with it's VERY close relationship to B/stone completely dominated the season... funny that the 2007 Ferrari works so well with the tyres.

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