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Hey everyone. I am collecting pictures for a project I started about F1 in the 1990s. My current goal is to gather pictures of EVERY driver who started a GP in the 90s.
However, I cannot seem to find pictures of some drivers and so I was wondering if you guys can help out.

This may sound a bit easy, but keep note that I am looking for COLOR pictures where the drivers face is CLEARLY visable.. that means no helmets!!

The drivers I need pictures for are as follows:

Phillipe Alliot
Gianni Morbidelli
Andrea de Cesaris
Olivier Beretta
Yannick Dalmas
Hideki Noda
Erik Comas
Jean-Denis Deletraz
Pierluigi Martini
Franck Lagorce
Eric Bernard
Paul Belmondo
Domenico Schiattarella
Roland Ratzenberger
Nicola Larini
Christophe Bouchut
Norberto Fontana
Giovanni Lavaggi

Thank you guys in advance. It is greatly appreciated :)

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