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Introduce yourself, go on, don't be shy!
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By CassonBlitz
Hi there!

Well, I'm a student sports reporter in the US (Oregon State University). I've also been a part of our Formula SAE racing team (aerodynamics: 2 years, marketing: present).

Most of my work is in college football (American), but I've opened a small blog for F1 this season.

I look forward to meeting all of you F1 lovers on here!

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By darwin dali
Hi there!

Well, I'm a student sports reporter in the US (Oregon State University). I've also been a part of our Formula SAE racing team (aerodynamics: 2 years, marketing: present).

Most of my work is in college football (American), but I've opened a small blog for F1 this season.

I look forward to meeting all of you F1 lovers on here!


Welcome :wavey:
By Amanda
Welcome to the forum Anthony :wavey:

    See our F1 related articles too!