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By racechick
Can you remember him? He came to F1 with a lot of promise championed by Jacqui Stewart. But he did crap. Well his son Kevin is joining the McLaren Driver Development Programme. :yikes: I cannot believe he has a son who's racing! It only seems like yesterday that Jan was the up and coming young thing.
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By scotty
The hype was somewhat justified - the guy beat Senna's British F3 record! Not sure why he was such a flop though. :confused:
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By racechick
I know. I was quite excited about him coming to F1. Just didnt work out.
By TGLucario475
Didn't he get replaced after he scored his first points in the Canadian GP of 1998? (If my memory serves me right, for once.)
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By Jabberwocky
almost as much pressure as Senna saying "if you think I am good you should see my nephew!"

Joss the boss was not much better.

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