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The second video was beautiful but I couldn't watch the first one because of a violation...?

:yikes: You mean you get violation just watching the video? Driving it would be a jail sentence for sure.
The second video was beautiful but I couldn't watch the first one because of a violation...?

:yikes: You mean you get violation just watching the video? Driving it would be a jail sentence for sure.

Haha no, it says it was removed because of a TOS violation.
Sorry about that and I'm not sure what a TOS violation is, thats what I get for reviving a 2yr old thread :(:hehe: .

Oh my fault, I didn't look at the date of the first post. Silly me! TOS = terms of service. YouTube put "terms of use" but I prefer "terms of service", so sorry about the confusion :)
I thought she meant she couldn't watch the video because she was busy getting violated.

I want that car to violate me.

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