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14 entries so far, of the regulars, only Hammer, Stonemonkey and 3double8 left to place their picks. Not much time fellas... tick tock, and you probably wont see your confirmation until after the race if you do get your picks in.

As expected, all Vettel picks for the win with the exception of a die hard Alonso pick and a Web gamble. The one notable is a BIA to be in the points pick!

Good luck everyone, I'm going to get my coffee. :coffee:

Received them, WB?


Bring on the victory champaign!! :headbang:

I think Lew might spring a surprise failure I can sense it :hehe:
EAT THAT 74 points,but elfinitty beat me with 78,back in the hunt,Lew gained 6 places :eek:

Damn you Rosberg for not passing Hulk,I could have got a massive score.

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