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Apologies; it was my screwup; use, I posted a link without the www and my anti-spam script kicked in! I'll take all the picks from the thread or PM, anyone that hasn't picked yet can use the submission form, corrected the links on the first post aswell, again apologies for the mix-up!

OK, so far I have:

Big Azza

I will be a little behind in the updating this weekend; with the race starting at 3am in the morning and having a family; I'll be watching the re-run later in the day!
Reigning champion Stonemonkey, Hammer278 and Andrew are also in for another unpredictable round of the Forumula1 'Russian Roulette' Pool!

Personally I need to ponder for a little bit longer before I make my choices!
Okay popped my picks in. I'm mobile so if you don't see me then just say so in thread and I'll resubmit when I get back home.

Currently using Tapatalk so I don't have access to all my normal superpowers.
Okay popped my picks in. I'm mobile so if you don't see me then just say so in thread and I'll resubmit when I get back home.

Currently using Tapatalk so I don't have access to all my normal superpowers.

You're good; picks received and inputted!
Well, it's done...I think?

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