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By swones
Hi just joined this site, Im a massive F1 fan and im wondering where i could buy some actual car parts from? im looking for engine internals etc..

any help would be a massive help

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By bigpat
Contact, Cosworth, Ilmor, Judd etc, for a start. It can't hurt.

Failing that, Ebay, or motorsport auctions or classifieds, like at the back of Autosport magazine.
My friend actually has a piston from a Cosworth V10 (Jaguar era). It is a beautiful piece of engineering, I must say.....
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By Fred_C_Dobbs
The "Ferrari Store" in Maranello. It's directly across the street from the entrance to the Ferrari factory and next door to Il Cavallino Ristorante. When one of the factory drivers bends one of their racing cars or lunches the engine, they sell off the bent bits there. They come with a testament of provenance.

The journal arrangement of a 10-cylinder engine's crank was a mystery to me until I saw one on offer there. It's still a mystery.

Or you can just visit Ferrari Store dot Com.
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By Jabberwocky
Ilmor don't do F1 engines any more from what I got from an article I read the other day. They have however just won a big military contract.
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By bigpat
Yes and no. The facility in Brixworth still builds Mercedes F1 engines. But has had a name change, and is part of Mercedes' motorsport division

Roger Penske and Mario Illien bought the Special Projects division from them, as ell as the Ilmor name....
By grkl27
i want to make my head turner bnw Punto even better,
yes wishing to do chrome on window edges and rear/front bumpers.
please suggest, if somebody is offering such services .

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