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By scotty
Oh Mark Hughes - Hamilton fanboy extraordinaire! :rofl:
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By racechick
Wow. Mark Hughes is one of my favourite F1 writers. Very analytical and with a depth of technical knowledge. And now he's saying it as well. Seems its out there!!

EDIT : Scotty I cant agree with you there about Mark Hughes. He's been critical of Hamilton when its due.
By Hammer278
Oh Mark Hughes - Hamilton fanboy extraordinaire! :rofl:

How do you figure that?
By CookinFlat6
Lets update the list;

there is nothing wrong at McLaren? just a blip? Whitmarsh ok? Sam doing great? we are all pathetic? having the teams top engineers working on Buttons problem does not affect the development effort on the car? Mark Hughes is a Lewis fanboy, you are all fanboys, theres nothing wrong at McLaren

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By racechick
:hehe: That list gets funnier and funnier, just made me splutter my coffee. Whatever happenned to logical deabate !
By What's Burning?
In the end of the season, we'll have Ferrari, McLaren and Red Bull. It would be foolish for anyone to think they're out of it. The problem with McLaren currently is the glaring performance gap between their drivers, and the inability to leverage their advantage when it was in their favor. I know the development will be there in the end.

They will turn the car around, and I'm certain Lewis will be one of the multiple race winners this year. This forum is obviously McLaren heavy and so the criticism is not undue. After all, being a British sports fan as I've come to realize is to be full of heartache and disappointment. :hehe:

At this point seen the inability of a team like like Lotus-Renault to get on the top step of the podium for whatever the reason they've seem to be a day late and a dollar short every race so far but there's no mention of them. There's no criticisms of team Mercedes and their stuck in reverse car, or Red Bull and their loss of dominance given last year's car. At least the Tifosi stick to their team hell or high water.

We have a right to be critical, it's part of being a fan, but the hopelessness exhibited towards McLaren is becoming exhausting.
By CookinFlat6
ah the ABH manifesto?

I figured they must have a list as they can be counted upon to turn up spewing exactly the same sentiments every single time anyone asks questions of Button/Whitmarsh/Sam/Mclaren

It used to be enough to just post pictures of cats and tin foil hats or to carpet bomb everyone by screaming conspiracy

Oh well, maybe every thread asking questions of McLaren etc can be locked

Lets tick off each of the points on the manifesto as the ABH set to work

Apparently, all the top engineers at McLaren working on Buttons problems (as mentioned by Lewis) cannot have been detrimental to the development of the car!!!! They have a sub team just sitting around doing nothing except working out Buttons issues

THERE IS NOTHING WRONG AT MCLAREN, someone has to come 5th
By Hammer278
McLaren has had worse before, but we see the team leaders normally being honest about their f*ck ups and their PR talk is a lot more convincing compared to Whitmarsh's playback bulls*it. Not to mention giving extra support to a handicap of a driver when they should be pushing their stronger driver when it counts. Look at Ferrari with Alonso. Redbull last year with Vettel. To win, you need to be relentless.

RD was a d*ck towards DC (who I favoured marginally over MH) but there was logic to it. MH was faster, pure and simple. He brought the trophies in the end, as did Kimi when Montoya was just screwing up nearly every race weekend. As was Lewis when Heikki just flat out sucked (still not as bad as No Grip).

This is the first time I see a top team bending over backwards to get their 2nd driver up to speed while the competition is marching away. Hopeless situation, and one McLaren fans have a right to be sick off.
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By racechick
@ WB We do expect great things from Mclaren and after every disappointment still we hope it will turn around, they'll hit the magic sweet spot. But it seems they move further away by incompetence, poor descions etc. We are hard fans us Brits, but with the history of motorsport the UK has, and all the cutting edge technology being centered here, we've come to expect. Perhaps we're unfair. But to see the best driver on the grid (in many people's opinion) wallowing in 8th at his home GP. Well it hurts. Even more so as we've been predicting it with the direction and decisions mcLaren have been making of late.
By CookinFlat6
And its a situation that is getting worse race by race, and some of us are not just beginning to take note, we have pointed this out for over 2 years

It is fast becoming the biggest joke in F1, McLaren have become the Massa of F1 (or is it the Button)

and still we have to put up with the ABH manifesto,

When Damon Hill pokes fun at McLaren after the British GP, you know that there might be a little problem

Oh well, as Whitmarsh said, he is not worried, they will be better next race

so thats all good then

By What's Burning?
Sometimes we have to hit rock bottom right? Look at the pit stops, and let's use that as an example of what we know the team is capable of doing. Yeah, I'd prefer not to be here but in the end, if Lewis wins a WDC this year, it will be all that more savory. At this point, last year there was little to cheer about for anyone that wasn't Sebastian Vettel. We're one win by Lewis and one DNF by Alonso away from things being pretty damned even again and we're not even at mid season yet.

What happened to the stiff upper lip thing we've heard so much about? :wink:
By Hammer278
What happened to the stiff upper lip thing we've heard so much about? :wink:

He's gone mate.

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By racechick
Too true Hammer :yes: .
Murray Walker also expressed dissapointment and perplexity about Mclaren on the post race live stage show
By What's Burning?
@ WB We do expect great things from Mclaren and after every disappointment still we hope it will turn around, they'll hit the magic sweet spot. But it seems they move further away by incompetence, poor descions etc. We are hard fans us Brits, but with the history of motorsport the UK has, and all the cutting edge technology being centered here, we've come to expect. Perhaps we're unfair. But to see the best driver on the grid (in many people's opinion) wallowing in 8th at his home GP. Well it hurts. Even more so as we've been predicting it with the direction and decisions mcLaren have been making of late.

It's not like the Germans are doing any better with their teams and drivers in the German GP. :hehe:
By CookinFlat6
What happened to the stiff upper lip thing we've heard so much about? :wink:

He's gone mate.

Replaced by a quivering mass of jelly Image
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