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Oh my God, there are some classics in here we definetily needed reminding of.....

(my favourites are Martin Whitmarsh, Joe Saward, and Ala McNish)

That was a very enjoyable read LRW. Goes to show the world is full of idiots, it's not just this place. :thumbup:

Paul Weaver, The Guardian, and CookinFlat6 were the only ones spot on. I have to say even I originally preferred him staying a McLaren.
That was a very enjoyable read LRW. Goes to show the world is full of idiots, it's not just this place. :thumbup:

Paul Weaver, The Guardian, and CookinFlat6 were the only ones spot on. I have to say even I originally preferred him staying a McLaren.

Add me to the list, I was going go go go go get out as soon as the rumours surfaced. :hehe:

Props to Cookin with the sig from the winter testing though, made a few people on this forum look like complete morons. :thumbup:
It wasn't until McLaren's total unraveling early in the 2013 season that I knew he'd made the right choice because he knew where McLaren was headed and believed in what Ross had showed him.
I said he was right to move :thumbup: right from the start, because he wasn't appreciated at McLaren and his position with Whitmarsh and Button running amok was untenable. A gamble yes. But he wasn't happy that was clear and merc was his best option.

Hey those quotes are amazing LRW! What a lot of muppets. Can't you feel the hate pouring out of good old McEvoy. He's had to eat a bit of humble pie in the paper tday. :hehe: wonderful to behold!
Not for nothing but Sky took the lead damming Brundel quote they could find and stuck it in there. I know the guy put his foot in his mouth about the Lewis move, plenty.

McNish is an absolute w***er though, jeesh.
By ang4f1
It's seems ages ago ..on '606',I posted my dream team would be Ross Brawn as TP & Nico R as Team mate for Lewis...but at McLaren.
I didn't want Lewis to leave Macca...but two out of three wasn't bad....and I soon realised it was a Great move to Merc..

LRW..That's a Great haul of hapless quotes..... :thumbup:
Mr Nasty McEvoy's last Whitmarsh is priceless...."Look where it got him" :rofl:
But hey... look where Whitmarsh is now...... :wavey:
How long before the h8rz chime in with; How arrogant and self important does this guy think he is? Does he think he's greater than F1?

Lewis Hamilton says he intends to continue using the number 44 on his car instead of switching to the number 1 commonly used by reigning world champions.

“I’ll always be number 44,” he told the BBC in an interview. “I’ll keep number 44 on the car. That’s my number since I started, so I want to keep that.”

The FIA allowed drivers to choose their own unique career numbers from this season. However the reigning world champion also has the option of using the number one. Sebastian Vettel, who had the number one this year, will use his career number five next season.

It raises the possibility of there being no number one car in the field for the first time since the 1994 season, when reigning champions Alain Prost had retired from the sport. Using the number one has been the champion’s prerogative since 1975.
Ok, I think Lewis fans have been fairly restrained after the monumentally superb day that was Sunday. So I'm now going to be an unashamed fangirl :D:twisted:
Hatrz, dislikes, unappreciators, 'dont getters' , etc etc for the sake of your own health and sanity should read no further. :director: CLOSE DOWN THE THREAD RIGHT NOW.However should you wish to join the party you will be very welcome.

WE DID IT!!!!!!!!!! (Andrew, don't tell me the 'we' in that preceding statement was redundant. We were with him every step of the way!!)

world Champion!!!! Best in the world. For the second time!!! only driver on the grid to win a race every season he's competed. Lots more records too but who cares about little records eh.

And he did it in style!! Who said he was under pressure? :rofl::rofl: who said he should change his approach? :rofl::rofl: barring mechanical issues he had that race won and thechampionshipsecured within seconds of the lights going out.

Now a little bit about that monumental start. Lewis works very closely with his clutch engineer and on the morning of the race this engineer went to Lewis' room and asked him how he wanted to approach it , and Lewi' reply was "the same as every time, no more and no less". Lewis said that on the formation lap you have to feed them back info, guide them on how it is. It was good. I believe we heard Lewis on the radio confirming this " we hit the sweet spot" he said afterwards. So the engineer had done his job to perfection. And then it was down to Lewis. And under imense pressure Lewis produced the best start of his entire career. Mental weakness much? :twisted:

But just how good was that start? Well it was 0.2 secs from lights out. Usain Bolt's reaction time for his 100 metre world record was 0.146 sec. And Bolt doesn't have a car in between him and the track. It was pretty special.
But we all know he's a bit special don't we :thumbup::D I feel quite sad for those who don't or won't appreciate the talent that is Lewis Hamilton. They're losing out big time.

OK, as you were. I think I'm allowed that once a year. :D
I'm sorry, I missed the part where that allows you to act like a conceited pr!ck.

:yikes: did you say that Roth? not nice. Not good. :nono:

Go read my post above to cheer yourself up :D I know you're really a Lewis fan. :wink:
I'm sorry, I missed the part where that allows you to act like a conceited pr!ck.

:yikes: did you say that Roth? not nice. Not good. :nono:

Go read my post above to cheer yourself up :D I know you're really a Lewis fan. :wink:

He's really taking it hard, I'm concerned for his well being. Extreme views sometimes ellicit extreme actions. I mean we've still not heard from Geet so I fear It's going to be a long winter for Roth as well. Perhaps he can just spend the time laying low, preparing the nest in the lounge?
Just rewatched the end of the race properly, how cool was that show of Britannia?? The Hamilton family stoically praying, non of that excitable stuff we saw from the Massas, Harry Wales syaing 'you are a legend MATE' the doughnuts, even Buttons touching if somewhat lame version of doughnuts. I must say Zietches daughter looks more and more tasty each race she attends

Monster driver, monster car, monster team, monster fans

after a lot of consideration, I have the right song for Lewis' fans answer to his critics - and this is not stereotyping some Rap stuf etc etc or saying lewis came from the streets etc - its just that Biggie said it like no other :hehe:


check out the special message at 01.40 to the expertz
and a special message from me at 02.24 to the rothz 'whats love gotta do with it' :hehe:
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