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By RA Dunk

This is next on the agenda, Hear the book's are awesome :clap:
By Amanda

This is next on the agenda, Hear the book's are awesome :clap:

They're not, trust me. Harry Potter on the other hand is brilliant. I started reading them back in 1998 when I was ten but the more I read them (and I've read them a lot) and the older I get, the better they are.
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By RA Dunk
Odd my sister said they were all good, I did watch the first film and didnt think much of it but the books are usually always better than the film
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By cap-dude
I ignore Twilight completely :D I've read nothing, seen nothing and know nothing about it. So proud am I.

I also don't read books. Just something I don't do. It'd help me improve my writing probably, but bleh.

Also been thinking alot about driving recently, and how school ends forever for me in just 3 months. The warmer months are coming and my car is usually much much nicer to drive when it's warm. My little Fiesta isn't the best car, broke down a few weeks ago during the snow (perfect timing!), can be noisy, and gearbox can be clunky. But I love it all the same. Great to drive when everythings working good and fine.

I'm at home taking a break from sixth form currently in my prep, gonna crack home with some chemistry revision later though, and enjoy the novelty of a footie match on the bbc. And I'm planning to slot in some reading on wikipedia about the Mongols military tactics and organisation.

What do you mean by "sixth form"? I have heard of it but it confuses me, no disrespect to your education system. I've been told it's the last two years in secondary school but there's also another level?

We have 7 years of Primary School. Then 5 years of Secondary School. Then after that you can leave school or spend another 2 years in education called 6th form. The first year being Lower 6th, and 2nd is Upper 6th.

Thats for Northern Ireland though. England I know only do six years of Primary School.
Last edited by cap-dude on 20 Jan 10, 16:13, edited 1 time in total.
By Amanda
Odd my sister said they were all good, I did watch the first film and didnt think much of it but the books are usually always better than the film

I thought the books were a bit one dimensional (I didn't even bother finishing the last one). There isn't a great deal of depth to them, unlike Harry Potter. The major difference between the movie and the book is that Bella is a little more likeable in the book, she actually has a sense of humour and doesn't brood nearly as much as Kristen Stewart. It's still basically a love story about chastity and restraint though, and not much else. I can see why it appeals to some girls but I'm not one of them.
By vaptin
Twilight scares the :censored: out of me - it just seems to turn girls into squealing machines, its also ruined vampire stuff. Edgy post modernist crap.

Compulsory education finishes at 16 (for now anyway), sixth form is for ages 16-18 where you study (sixth-form is an extra department at your school) A-levels (can do other qualification as well, but they're the main ones) in preparation for university.
Last edited by vaptin on 20 Jan 10, 19:25, edited 1 time in total.
By Gaz
Ah but you don't always go to 6th From i went to Collage for my A-Levels

Basicly its

4-12 Primary School (compusory)
12-16 Secondary School (compusory)
16-18 Collage or 6th Form (at your Secondary School if it has that) (optional)

At College you Do A-Levels or Vocational Qualifactions which are equivilant to A-Levels.

These acumulate UCAS "points" which you can then use to get into Universities.

Some people might go as far as school then get an job or apprenticeship or you go to College/6thForm and then get a Job.
By Amanda
Ah but you don't always go to 6th From i went to Collage for my A-Levels

Basicly its

4-12 Primary School (compusory)
12-16 Secondary School (compusory)
16-18 Collage or 6th Form (at your Secondary School if it has that) (optional)

At College you Do A-Levels or Vocational Qualifactions which are equivilant to A-Levels.

These acumulate UCAS "points" which you can then use to get into Universities.

Some people might go as far as school then get an job or apprenticeship or you go to College/6thForm and then get a Job.

I don't get the point of the UCAS points system, why don't all Universities just ask for specific grades anymore? It feels like cheating when you can just accumulate points by doing a million different subjects poorly, rather than a few subjects well. :confused:
By Gaz
Ah but you don't always go to 6th From i went to Collage for my A-Levels

Basicly its

4-12 Primary School (compusory)
12-16 Secondary School (compusory)
16-18 Collage or 6th Form (at your Secondary School if it has that) (optional)

At College you Do A-Levels or Vocational Qualifactions which are equivilant to A-Levels.

These acumulate UCAS "points" which you can then use to get into Universities.

Some people might go as far as school then get an job or apprenticeship or you go to College/6thForm and then get a Job.

I don't get the point of the UCAS points system, why don't all Universities just ask for specific grades anymore? It feels like cheating when you can just accumulate points by doing a million different subjects poorly, rather than a few subjects well. :confused:

Yeh i know what you mean but at least the grades count towards points I.E A = 120pts D=60pts

I can only think its because of the wide range of diffrent grades avalible AVCE, GCE A-LEVEL, BTEC etc.. etc.. makes it a nightmare for them to work out so they streamed lined buy using points.

Anytime you try do somthing like that with a system somones going to try and abuse it.
By vaptin
A classic example is an offer I got from Queen Mary: "340 points from 3 A-levels". In other words AAB, if they just said 340 points it allows me to get away with 3 Bs this year, but oh no, they had to be picky (well technically A*BB would also meet it, technically).
By Amanda
Ah but you don't always go to 6th From i went to Collage for my A-Levels

Basicly its

4-12 Primary School (compusory)
12-16 Secondary School (compusory)
16-18 Collage or 6th Form (at your Secondary School if it has that) (optional)

At College you Do A-Levels or Vocational Qualifactions which are equivilant to A-Levels.

These acumulate UCAS "points" which you can then use to get into Universities.

Some people might go as far as school then get an job or apprenticeship or you go to College/6thForm and then get a Job.

I don't get the point of the UCAS points system, why don't all Universities just ask for specific grades anymore? It feels like cheating when you can just accumulate points by doing a million different subjects poorly, rather than a few subjects well. :confused:

Yeh i know what you mean but at least the grades count towards points I.E A = 120pts D=60pts

I can only think its because of the wide range of diffrent grades avalible AVCE, GCE A-LEVEL, BTEC etc.. etc.. makes it a nightmare for them to work out so they streamed lined buy using points.

Anytime you try do somthing like that with a system somones going to try and abuse it.

They definitely tried at my College. Everyone had to do General Studies at AS-Level just so the college and students could rack up UCAS points. Everyone that got an A-C had to do it at A-Level, at which point I absolutely refused (which my tutor was not pleased about) because my Uni didn't even take UCAS points (it was AAA in maths, physics and chemistry, or you're out), it was an utterly pointless subject and I had better things to do with my time. The system really annoys me just because I had to argue relentlessly with my teachers who insisted that "you got an A so you have to do the A-Level"...pfft, like hell I do.. The same goes for Key Skills which they told me every Uni needed doing and if I didn't do it at College then they'd make me do it once I got to Uni. Absolute Bull! I've never done it still.

...I was quite opinionated at college :hiding:
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By 7UpJordan
I hated General Studies, more like "General Waste of time". We were made to do it in Year 13 (the AS Level) and then had the option of either going for the A Level or ditching it. I happily ditched it, knowing I'd practically given up any hope of going to University.
I can only think its because of the wide range of diffrent grades avalible AVCE, GCE A-LEVEL, BTEC etc.. etc.. makes it a nightmare for them to work out so they streamed lined buy using points.

What on Earth is an AVCE?! :confused:

This is the problem when you come to employ people....I have no idea what half the qualifications people spout are and what's equivalent to what e.g. Is an O-level better than a GCSE...?! (rhetorical question ;) ) I get really confused :(
By Gaz
I can only think its because of the wide range of diffrent grades avalible AVCE, GCE A-LEVEL, BTEC etc.. etc.. makes it a nightmare for them to work out so they streamed lined buy using points.

What on Earth is an AVCE?! :confused:

This is the problem when you come to employ people....I have no idea what half the qualifications people spout are and what's equivalent to what e.g. Is an O-level better than a GCSE...?! (rhetorical question ;) ) I get really confused :(

AVCE is a vocational qualifaction, its equivliant to 2 A-Levels its stands for Advanced Vocational Certificate of Education think its only for I.T though not sure.

But i know what you mean i got asked what it was a few times during interviews, so i started putting on my CV what it actualy is.
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