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I think it is just human nature, the will to support your team and the desire to have them succeed is perfectly normal.

:clap: Bravo!!

What doesn't sit well with me is the rationalizations, explanations, and justifications
that some fans engage in when their team doesn't perform up to expectations.
And, that is NOT limited to F1 and is especially evident in amateur sports/parents!!
Here is the status of each driver and the number of PU's and PU components used. This is correct up to after Hungary. Many thatnks to @beelsebob over at f1tech for the table :thumbup:

On the table above, my understanding is that, if a part needs to be replaced, the team can replace it with a previously used component. By way of example, if a driver has used 5 ICEs and he swaps the currently installed ICE for one previously used then there would be no penalty. If he swaps for a "new" never before used component then the penalty would apply.
Compare LH to NR and you have the thread for the rest of the season.

On the surface it might look like that, but it really is so dependent on the "state" of the components used. In theory someone in the table may have used 4 ICEs, but if one of those ICEs has done 8 races and the other 3 have only done 1 then they are probably in a good position. Having said that, it's probably reasonable to assume that Lewis's PU from the Hungary fire is toast (couldn't resist that pun) and that will hurt a little.
Still gonna be one of THE topics to talk about. Sooner or later we'll find out about the real state of everybody (or a close approximation) once the grid penalties kick in.
Still gonna be one of THE topics to talk about. Sooner or later we'll find out about the real state of everybody (or a close approximation) once the grid penalties kick in.

Agreed :yes:
Compare LH to NR and you have the thread for the rest of the season.

Possibly the rest of their respective careers... and, then some!! :thumbup:
 wrote:">Ferrari Proudly To Be The First Carbon Neutral Luxury Automobile Brand in Greater China


The Million Tree Project Phase 2 Kick-off

August 6th, 2014, Tong Liao, Inner Mongolia — Ferrari proudly became the first carbon neutral luxury automobile brand that offset all carbon footprints by planting trees in Greater China.

Since 2012, Ferrari Greater China started the collaboration with Dr. Jane Goodall’s non-profit organization Roots & Shoots to carry out the Million Tree Project, aiming to protect the agricultural land in Inner Mongolia, and reclaim the natural land by raising trees. So far Ferrari has donated 111,267 trees in Inner Mongolia.

Each tree donated offsets 250kg of CO2 in its lifetime and will re-anchor sandy soil that has been lost to decades of erosion. These measures have offset all the Ferrari China operating carbon emissions, including car manufacturing in Maranello, transporting from Italy to China, the average mileage that the owners to drive for the year, and office operation in Greater China.

The kick off the 2014 Million Tree Project is to set a new milestone of Ferrari’s long-term corporate social responsibility programs, which is also one of the initiative of celebrating the Year of the Horse this year. This year, a tree planting trip is organized in Inner Mongolia from July 25th-27th, Ferrari car owners, staffs, authorized dealers and media key opinion leaders volunteered to participate the trip, making their own contribution for a greener future.

Ferrari’s 360 degree sustainable development philosophy
Ferrari’s efforts relating to sustainability come to fruition in the polluting emissions reduction programme, through the improvement of efficiency in the cars themselves and in the production process and through the Formula Uomo project launched in the early 90’s by President Luca di Montezemolo. Firstly, the cars are all made with self-produced clean energy in the factory, that all new buildings for Ferrari are built to ecofriendly standard. On the other hand, as for the actual cars, around 17% of the annual turnover of Ferrari was invested in product development, and through this investment that had managed to reduced C02 emissions by an impressive 40% but with an increase of 100 horsepower in the last years. Ferrari also pledged €250 million for research and development into the reductions of emissions in the following 5 years. Moreover, as the industrial leader, Ferrari has initiated various goodwill projects to give back to the society which helped the brand to grow in the past six decades. Among them, environment protection has always been a key focus.
Still amazes me that people don't see how powerfully good planting trees is. Store more carbon - ie grow more plants. A green solution staring us in the face. But no, lets create storage devices comprising incredibly toxic are rare materials that have a limited life of use yet cause eons of problems as refuse when were done with them. If it wasn't so serious it would be comical. :banghead:
Interesting all the speculation about Luca. Definitely bringing plenty of rubbish out from there from the usual suspects and lots of true colors being displayed :hehe: Needless to say there will be plenty of people with mountains of egg on their face soon. :yes:

I don't know exactly what's going on, but I'm confident Luca will still be part of the fabric of Ferrari for quite some time. My guess is the Arabs investing in Alitalia want Luca there to make sure it's a success and they are trying to work out how to satisfy them with some sort of non-operational role there. Luca was instrumental in putting the deal together based on the success of their previous dealings - Ferrari world etc.

Something else this might be related to, with the take-over of Chrysler by Fiat there will be new company listings. It may be that with Ferrari performing so brilliantly as a company, Fiat want to separate it and list it as its own entity.
Luca staying at Ferrari - >>source<<.

Pretty much as I said, the Etihad owners love dealing with Luca and wanted him involved on the new merged airline Alitalia with Etihad = Alihad. Luca again showed his great skill in putting the deal together. So Luca has swapped a non operation role at Alihad for his role at Fiat and stays as President of Ferrari.

Needless to say there will be prompt and copious apologies from all those that got this so wrong :rofl:

Quite a few places, including the BBC now reporting that the stories of Luca leaving are :bs:
The recently departed boss of Renault F1, Jean-Michel Jalinier, has a real whinge about spending (in a interview with a French mag called Auto Hebdo).

I don't buy or believe that spending alone guarantees anything and I'm glad Ferrari is sticking to its guns that there shouldn't be a budget cap in F1 for the teams - even though Ferrari know they aren't even in the top 2 as far as team spending is concerned. Anyway, judge for yourselves on the following quotes.

"When Ferrari and Renault are getting similar results, and Mercedes has a significant advantage, the first thing is to look at the level of investment"

"At Renault the same level of investment was maintained, while Mercedes raised the bar very high, investing a lot of money, resources and technology," said Jalinier.

"As a result, they were much better prepared than us and the Italians who have operated at the known and practiced levels of investment.

"In the paddock," he continued, "you did hear about these enormous and - in our view - disproportionate investments by Mercedes"

If you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen.
...Needless to say there will be prompt and copious apologies from all those that got this so wrong :rofl:

I won't be holding my breath... Image
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