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Just as it says...
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By Jabberwocky
Not sure. I would it imagine it be people taking the piss or having a go at Robin.

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By racechick
That's a shame. I've seen lots about Robin on Twitter, all supportive and understanding. Though there have been references, and responses to people who lack understanding...I must just not be not following or followed by those people so I don't get them.
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By Jabberwocky
Why... This is the problem with the internet. No accountability. I am sure this idiots would be not say it face to face with someone they just hide behind a keyboard.

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By sagi58
Was thinking the same thing, Jabber!!
Cowards talking tough just because... they can!!
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By Jabberwocky
I spend some of my time working with people searching for what is in the UK Walter Mittys, in the US I think it is called Stolen Valour, I am sure every where in the world has similar. It is amazing to see these people crumble when confronted. I am sure the "children" who did what they did to Zelda would do the same thing.

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By sagi58
Hey!! That's not a nice thing to say about children!!
I know many who would show more compassion and
maturity than those "people"!!
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By sagi58
Robin's wife has come forward with more news and shared some insight into his life:

, Alan Duke wrote:">Robin Williams was in early stages of Parkinson's disease, wife reveals

...Susan Schneider, issued a written statement about Williams' health that he had kept a secret.

"Robin's sobriety was intact and he was brave as he struggled with his own battles of depression, anxiety as well as early stages of Parkinson's disease, which he was not yet ready to share publicly.

"It is our hope in the wake of Robin's tragic passing, that others will find the strength to seek the care and support they need to treat whatever battles they are facing so they may feel less afraid."...

...Williams used exercise and cycling to manage his stress and depression, and the prospect that the illness would prevent him from doing that was extremely upsetting, adding to the depression, the person familiar with his family said...

..."Robin spent so much of his life helping others," his wife said. Whether he was entertaining millions on stage, film or television, our troops on the front lines, or comforting a sick child -- Robin wanted us to laugh and to feel less afraid."

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