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By synsei
Alas, no Shakespeare through yonder window broke neither... :nono::hehe:
Forklifts are cool, especially when you get some air or a bit of 2 wheel action. :thumbup:

Ahhhh, but are they as cool as Dickens, Orwell or Shakespeare? Ey? EY? :whip:

One of the main books we had to study for Eng Lit at school was Thomas Hardy's, Return Of The Native. I found this book mind-numbingly boring, and I'll read just about anything. Now, if we had been allowed to study JRR Tolkien's, Lord Of The Rings I might have done somewhat better in my exam. John Steinbeck's, The Pearl and Laurie Lee's, Cider With Rosie were excellent reads however.

I lived in The Medway Towns as a kid and what staggers me is that we didn't study Dickens at all...

I've read one Thomas Hardy book and that's Under the Greenwood Tree. I enjoyed it, actually. It's the happiest of Hardy's Wessex novels I think, so I've yet to delve into the doom and gloom he is renowned for. :hehe:
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By synsei
Doom & Gloom best describes most of Hardy's novels. I even wondered at one point whether slashing my wrists might earn me some extra credit in the exam... :hehe:

As for plays, Look Back In Anger was one we studied most. My English tutor was such a cheerful sod... :rofl:
Doom & Gloom best describes most of Hardy's novels. I even wondered at one point whether slashing my wrists might earn me some extra credit in the exam... :hehe:

As for plays, Look Back In Anger was one we studied most. My English tutor was such a cheerful sod... :rofl:

Ahh I know the play! John Osborne? We had to act out scenes from it when I was at drama school! :hehe:

I must admit I liked the character of Jimmy Porter quite a lot. An intense personality that one! :wink:
By andrew
I thoroughly recommend reading the original James Bond novels by Ian Fleming. Far better than the flms!

James Herriot's series of books are a good read too. Just started on a heap of Alistair MacLean novels. HMS Ulysses was good and The Guns of Navarone is looking good too. :thumbup:
I've never read any of those. They sound good though! Ahhh, so much to read! :eek:
By andrew
In other news, my current employer has thrown a massive spanner in the works for the job that I was hoping to go to. If they have screwed things up for me, there is going to be swearing! :furious:

I didn't know it was possible to hate my current employer even more than I already do.
By andrew
My potential employer needs to see a copy of my forklift certificate so they can put my through training for larger machines (8 ton). My current employer now claims that they don't even give out photocopies which contradicts what I was told earlier. I know they won't give out the original within 12 months of it being awarded but a photocopy shouldn't be an issue. If nothing else, I should have a copy so I can keep myself covered. No surprise that they are making things up as they go along (yet again). The worst thing is that this new job would see a decent pay rise and the end to my money worries for the time being with some decent chances of moving up into some interesting areas.
Yeah it's never nice being messed around. I suppose you've got to keep demanding a photocopy. Surely it can't be that difficult! :banghead:
By andrew
I'm going to keep asking but I'm not the first person they've messed about and it's not hte first time they've messed me about either. The company as a whole is probably ok but this particular branch is rubbish. Hearing about other branches makes all us lowly workers pretty annoyed as none sound as bad as this one.

I have come close to telling them to shove their job on numerous occasions and did nearly hit someone with a roll of plastic wrap that I lobed down the warehouse in anger (the sensible thing would be to have chucked it in the bin and get a new roll) last week.
Well, at least you can take comfort in the fact that, after experiencing what the worst branch is like... the other branches / businesses will seem all the sweeter. And you'll feel more experienced and stronger as a result! :)
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By synsei
I'm going to keep asking but I'm not the first person they've messed about and it's not hte first time they've messed me about either. The company as a whole is probably ok but this particular branch is rubbish. Hearing about other branches makes all us lowly workers pretty annoyed as none sound as bad as this one.

I have come close to telling them to shove their job on numerous occasions and did nearly hit someone with a roll of plastic wrap that I lobed down the warehouse in anger (the sensible thing would be to have chucked it in the bin and get a new roll) last week.

It sounds as if they don't want you to leave Andrew. Ah, the tragic vagaries of unrequited love... :(:wink:
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