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By Hammer278
Saw that one before, but this was more complete with more adverts....loved it. :D I do wish Audi comes in, which would bring BMW back as well....what a fantastic grid that would be. :cloud9:
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By sagi58
I saw this late last night (10:25 p.m. EST, November 4/14); but, haven't been able to find anything any where else...
It seems to have been posted on November 2nd, 2014. Anyone see it elsewhere?

Translated by Image wrote:">Ferrari unlocks the freezing of the motors!
An agreement has been reached with all the Teams to lift the engine freeze until July

Marco Mattiacci got his first political victory in the Formula 1 Circus. The team principal of Ferrari failed to find unanimity of the teams to move the deadline for the engine freeze. The regulations state a freeze on the 2015 power unit will take effect at the end of February, forcing manufacturers to introduce any changes approved by the FIA (you can change the 48% of the shares) prior to the start of the season.

Ferrari, instead, is promoting an initiative, also agreed upon by Renault and Honda. In the end, Mercedes had to accept that it was a fair change to the rules, after some edgy dealing. The Germans are complaining about the risk of an increase in the costs with greater time to research, but other the manufacturers will have the possibility of sharing the changes, trying to reduce the gap from a three-pointed star. Toto Wolff and Niki Lauda gave their ok to the presence of Bernie Ecclestone, but the decision will be ratified only with ok that must come from the top at Mercedes...

Here's the original in Italian: La Ferrari sblocca il freezing dei motori!
Raggiunto un accordo con tutti i motoristi per fare le modifiche fino al mese di luglio
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By Roth
This seems more like Mercedes covering their bases. They know an unlock won't hurt them much with Ferrari and Renault, but if Honda come in and look threatening...
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By sagi58
Good point, Roth!!

Here are a few more good points from Mattiacci:

Great points from Mattiacci!!

, Jonathan Noble wrote:">F1 engine freeze rules face crunch vote during Russian GP

...The idea of allowing limited freedom during the season has now been added to the agenda of a sporting working group meeting which is scheduled to take place at the Russian GP on Friday.

But the championship-leading Mercedes team is resistant to allowing such freedom - and has voiced fears that it could lead to a dramatic increase in costs that would need to be passed on to customer teams.


Ferrari team principal Marco Mattiacci says such fears are unfounded though, and thinks that in-season development would not only cost little extra but could be even better for customer teams as it could help boost their performance.

"From the manufacturers' point of view, I work for Ferrari - and our core business is engine," Mattiacci told AUTOSPORT.

"F1 also stands for innovation and continuous improvement.

"So with all the dollars that I invest in innovation - it makes no sense that for one year I cannot touch the engine...

..."We are still working on developing the engine right now even if we cannot apply changes [during the season], so I can't see costs increasing.


Mattiacci also made it clear that pursuing the engine freeze was not being done as a means of guaranteeing the gap to Mercedes would be closed.

He reckons there was a very real chance that allowing all manufacturers the freedom to do better could allow F1's current pacesetters to be even further ahead.

"The engine freeze if it is goes through is a great opportunity - but it is also a great risk," he said...
But what I dont get is, they were not moaning about the agreed engine freeze at the beginning of the season?
By CookinFlat6
i think a higher IPO float price will be easier to justify if the freeze date is after and not before, just like its easier to sell with Seb onboard
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By sagi58
But what I dont get is, they were not moaning about the agreed engine freeze at the beginning of the season?

All I can suggest is that without having ever been in this situation,
maybe no one really considered what that actually meant. If I'm
not mistaken, both Ferrari and Renault made noises to that effect
before the season started.

Unfortunately, I can't google that, right now, as I need to get to work.
And, I don't have the luxury of being online all day, when I'm there.
...maybe no one really considered what that actually meant.

Oh Sagi Sagi Sagi.... do you actually think thats true..?
By What's Burning?
They get to change 48% of their engine over the winter and apparently now through the great sportsmanship and graciousness of the double F1 World Champion Mercedes the next freeze won't kick in until July. What's the to cry about? If you can't fix the problems under those rules (to use a line that's been used by the Tifosi before) you don't deserve to be at the pinnacle of racing.

I hope Ferrari "bring it" next year. It would be fantastic to have another 2010 kind of year in our hands, it would be fantastic for the sport.
By CookinFlat6
If I'm
not mistaken, both Ferrari and Renault made noises to that effect
before the season started.

Unfortunately, I can't google that, right now, as I need to get to work.
And, I don't have the luxury of being online all day, when I'm there.

Renault said they needed more time and wanted to push back testing, but were vetoed by.......Ferrari

Ferrari were very confident at the start, if you look back trough this thread at before the pre season testing stages, Ferrari were most bullish. No one at all mentioned changing the engine freeze rules.

You are not online all day? Hey sagi, you cant blame us for having to go and toil in the fields :hehe:

edit:just joking!!!!!!
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By sagi58
...maybe no one really considered what that actually meant.

Oh Sagi Sagi Sagi.... do you actually think thats true..?

To some extent, yes, I do. Understanding the spirit of the law doesn't necessarily prepare you for the letter of it.
That is, cost cutting may have been at the bottom of the new regulations not to bring new developments to races;
but, considering the success that Mercedes has been enjoying, how could you expect teams to sit on their hands
and wait until the winter to develop their cars/engines, in the hopes of preparing for 2015?

Where is the cost savings in what has essentially turned out to be a season of testing?
By What's Burning?
Now remember this is only the suppor thread. :rofl:

Gaadaam, if this doesn't embody everything everyone that hates Ferrari all in one line.

Marco Mattiacci says Mercedes does not share the same values as Ferrari after talks about F1's engine freeze broke down during the Brazilian Grand Prix weekend.

I read this and it doesn't even make sense, it's pure Ferrari double talk. Unlike Luca, this guy speaks English as his first language, so it's not like there's anything being lost in translation.

A team with so much heritage that they get 90 million just to show up. Gotta love it.

ESPNF1 Ferrari and Red Bull are leading the charge for an in-season window to work on engines, with development currently restricted to a token system over the winter. Mercedes offered a compromise allowing a smaller amount of tokens to be used during that window than its rivals initially proposed, leading to the talks collapsing at Interlagos.

Mattiacci is under no illusions why a solution could not be found in Brazil.

"We keep discussing but there is some other player that keeps changing idea," Mattiacci said. "But we keep working; we don't give up on a very fundamental principal of Formula One that is innovating and competing. Probably someone does not share these values of Formula One. I have to tell you at the same time we must appreciate the fact everyone is trying to meet a middle ground. It is clear it has to be fair enough for everyone to really change what is happening [the stand-off between sides]"

Mattiacci, who became Ferrari team principal in April, thinks common ground needs to be found between all F1's teams on all of its current issues, including the ongoing speculation about third cars being run in 2015.

"I think we should have a common agenda, a serious common agenda, to improve the sport, the revenues, the entertainment. I don't think it's difficult, I think it's complexed. Everyone wants a better solution but we need to find a way to work. I've been here five months so I'm not the game-changer in this case but as usual Ferrari will do the utmost to be sure Formula One will keep being successful."

Since going into administration it has emerged Marussia owes money to Ferrari for its engines for 2014. Mattiacci says Ferrari - who recently rejected suggestions it give up its large share of the sport's revenues - is working to resolve this, something he thinks shows the team cares about all of F1's teams.

"At the moment we are working [on a resolution]. This is just to confirm how Ferrari has been supporting completely the so-called small teams. We keep working because we believe, if we get help, we will give, but again it has to be in a broader picture. We need to start to talk strategically, not just tactically of how to put a page here and there."
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By racechick
Marco Mattiacci says Mercedes does not share the same values as Ferrari after talks about F1's engine freeze broke down during the Brazilian Grand Prix weekend.

^^ this :rolleyes: I'm not sure if it's arrogance , ignorance or just sheer audacity. :rofl::rofl:
By CookinFlat6
So Marrussia go out if business because their creditors including Ferrari for it's expensive uncompetitive engine refused to help financially, but Ferrari are working to help the SO CALLED smaller teams and this shows they have different values

Confucius say, he who speak with forked tongue generally works for Ferrari
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By darwin dali
Now remember this is only the suppor thread. :rofl:

Gaadaam, if this doesn't embody everything everyone that hates Ferrari all in one line.

Marco Mattiacci says Mercedes does not share the same values as Ferrari after talks about F1's engine freeze broke down during the Brazilian Grand Prix weekend.

I read this and it doesn't even make sense, it's pure Ferrari double talk. Unlike Luca, this guy speaks English as his first language, so it's not like there's anything being lost in translation.

Correction: Mattiacci's first language is Italian. You're probably thinking of Sergio Macchione, the Canadian - though after emigrating to Canada from Italy at the age of 14, one could debate whether or not Italian is his first language.
:director: As you were...
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