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Yet if he drove for Ferrari you would support him blindly according to your definition of support right?
Just like Alonso who has showed more whinging and fist shaking at rookies has 'learnt'
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By Roth
Why do you keep going on about everything under the sun, except Hamilton, when FM09 is asking you about Hamilton?

Normally you can't STFU about him.
Alonso was offered as an example of behaviour Nico and Lewis should aspire to, some were just pointing out that Nico and Lewis have different standards to each other, and both have a similar distance again to Alonso for ""mature"" behaviour. Just a factual approach to the equation

If someone says, Alonso has a history of disruptive behaviour but he has now recently become cured yet Lewis is the one who needs to stop being the cheated party and grow up and behave like Alonso??? and after you stopped laughing you supposed to say 'yes that is a fully baked topic, without the facts'

like 'lets pretend fairies and elves exist?
The FIA have deemed Spa a racing incident, most of the drivers have said that there is no chance Rosberg deliberately did what he did and still Lewis is sniping in the press conference because the stewards didnt do anything. In the same way they did nothing when Alonso locked up and hit Vettel on the last lap - which was also a racing incident.

I appreciate racing, and as a RACER Hamilton is very good, but so is Rosberg. It's Hamiltons "world is against me" attitude he has had for the last 3-4 years that I don't like.

I know you're trying to prove a point (just like Nico) but you've been avoiding my comments. So here goes, the last time since it's pretty obvious that you're just another h8r making excuses as to why you hate the guy and that's okay, because I'm actually enjoying the butthurt of the h8z this year. But come now... don't you think it's a bit much to try and sell it to us that he's the "same" because that's just embarrassingly laughable.

So a racing incident is because Rosberg didn't deliberately hit Lewis? Then what is he apologizing about? Why is he now taking responsibility for having the opportunity not to crash and deciding that he was going to prove a point. Why was he fined by the team? Why did the stewards say that had they known what was discussed in the Merc driver's meeting they would have issued Rosberg a penalty. I guess all these little issues are something blind hatred doesn't allow you to see. It happened in a closed meeting and everyone at Merc have verified that the details are correct and bent over backwards saying that choosing to not avoid an accident is not the same as deliberately crashing. Because it's so much easier seeing the guy you dislike whining to the media after he's been robbed of a race win and his teammate gets a free pass.
But it's Hamilton venting to the press that you're on about. But he's a good driver. :rofl:

That's embarrassing, but more baffling that you've been watching F1 all these years and never heard of a penalty issued for avoidable contact.
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By sagi58
Words from the wise:
Italian Grand Prix: Drivers press conference

...they have a clear target, which is winning the world championship, both of them. They are in a privileged position, which is to fight for that goal. From the outside we will try to enjoy as maximum this beautiful battle. The sport is made of these kind of things. They have a good problem: fight for the world championship...
Ooh here comes sagi to save the day with a quote from a public press conference.
See that's the misconception, that's what the layman thinks about the Tifosi, they believe Ferrari is perfect. We know it may not be the case. You obviously haven't gone around here and seen the comments RC, Myself, Cookin' and even Hammer have made about Lewis. We're his worst critict... but a las what we want it fairness.

err...not to argue semantics, but I think I'm by far his biggest critic among you guys. Unless you lumped LRW in the group too. :hehe:
Since you mentioned me Ferrari man , I'll answer your question. Yes I do criticise Hamilton where it's due. But when criticism arrives unfairly I will counter it. He screwed up qualifying at Silverstone, a silly and wrong decision which he says he's learnt from and will never repeat. And there have been a few small driving errors and less than perfect quali laps.

BUT..... To say he is as unprofessional as Rosberg after Rosberg admitted deliberately crashing and all Lewis did was repeat it in open mouthed disbelief, well I can't understand where your thinking comes from. Rosberg was fined heavily BY HIS TEAM, Lewis wasn't.

And did you say something about Hamilton whinging whilst in the lead of a race because he was down on power? Why do you say whinging? He was likely informing the team of how the car was feeling. What if it was the start of a problem? What if Hamilton was thinking ahead to the next race? Is not informing the team of thing like this professional and forward thinking?
I think you , like many others, see what you want to see in a Hamilton rather than what is before your eyes.
Rosberg admitted he was reponsible for the crash but it wasn't deliberate. The best analysis I have seen was Martin Brundle's - who said it was a clumsy mistake from Rosberg and that was that. Stewards were told not to hand out penalties for every incident and recently have only given them for dangerous ones.

But anyway, I have my opinion of Hamilton and at times I do believe he is unprofessional (what happens in a PRIVATE meeting stays PRIVATE). I also havent forgotten his outburst in Monaco a few years ago when he accused the stewards of racism because they gave him a penalty!

Anyway, i'm leaving this discussion now because I know what i'm trying to say, but how dare I suggest Lord Lewis Hamilton isn't perfect...
Hamilton has NOT been the best driver this season, the points difference is purely a little bit more bad luck than Rosberg - otherwise Hamilton would only be marginally ahead (Hamilton 5 wins vs Rosberg 4 wins).

I appreciate racing, and as a RACER Hamilton is very good, but so is Rosberg. It's Hamiltons "world is against me" attitude he has had for the last 3-4 years that I don't like.

If someone was to rely on wiki or the F1 site for info, it would appear that Lewis had just a bit more bad luck than Nico. But for anyone who actually watches and understands the race - the whole race and not just 2 drivers pottering round in 8th and 12th then this argument is very shallow. Yes on paper it appears as though Lewis only has a dnf more than Nico. However this would be to ignore the bad luck that has cost big points instead of a dnf. Missing the whole of quali or catching fire does fit in to this category. Retiring from the front instead of from second also fits as there is a difference of 7 points already. Please do a touch more thinking behind the headline numbers before adding your expert opinion.

Hamiltons had a bad attitude for the last 3-4 years has he? And this is much worse than Alonsos well documented 'its all about me' attitude toward the team and his teammates? And its nmuch worse than Kimis 'I dont give a sh!t' attitude I presume. We understand bias, but its hard to understand why the bias is presented as meaningful opinion when its not based on any known facts outside the ferrari Disneyland type of theme park thats become popular recently
Just say 'I dont like him' and leave it at that - no need to produce spurious claims and factually incorrect notions - say ' I just feel he is too aggressive' - dont say 'he wears out his tyres more than the others because of his desperate driving' etc etc
Just say 'I dont like his look or personality' - dont say 'he needs to learn to behave as well as alonso because he has done worse things'
Big difference but understandable from those who are less interested in facts and evidence and more about blind loyalty that does not need any facts
Last edited by CookinFlat6 on 05 Sep 14, 08:32, edited 1 time in total.
Rosberg admitted he was reponsible for the crash but it wasn't deliberate. The best analysis I have seen was Martin Brundle's - who said it was a clumsy mistake from Rosberg and that was that. Stewards were told not to hand out penalties for every incident and recently have only given them for dangerous ones.

The best analysis I have seen is this one from YESTERDAY
Nico Rosberg has admitted he was ashamed of smashing into Lewis Hamilton in Spa, writes Byron Young at Monza.

The son of the former champion was speaking as the sport descended into chaos ahead of Sunday’s Italian Grand Prix with the FIA stewards in the dock over their dubious decision-making.

Because they did not punish Rosberg – even after he admitted deliberately hitting the British driver – the entire sport has been left in limbo.

Even Hamilton, admitted even though he does not trust his own team-mate, he does not know what the rules are racing now.

Stewards appeared to have decided that the old foundation of competition “causing an avoidable incident” no longer applies after they decided not to punish Rosberg or even launch a post-race investigation after he admitted deliberately causing the accident.

So your claim of fans thinking he is always right carries no weight when he is actually right :thumbup:
And Brundle speaks for Sky who are rivals with the BBC that fired Brundle - so obviously thats a well balanced view :thumbup:
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