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Yes I think if might.
I still say Jenson is being very inconsiderate by not leaving to go somewhere else. WDC winners dont do this, except Button. In similar situations in the past the driver knows when its time to leave, when the team who did him a favour are just asking for a small one back, yet he has to wring some drama out of it. Hes not the first unwanted driver or even unwanted current WDC to have been dumped by his team, but they got the message and left fuming. They always played the game and had options. Every WDC has left under his own terms, at least thats what it looked like.

This clinging on and the whole lame media 'campaign' to keep him in is just sad like a cable film, whoever heard of a WDC thrown on the garbage heap in public, and to be replaced by another WDC, same age, who is getting a record wage, despite owing the team 50mill, and the lame WDC is actually being evaluated against a TRAINEE - its like someone doesnt much like Jenson, maybe they see him at the center of the recent disastrous era, and this was the first chance to get their hands on him, and he is learning respect for a team the hard way.

Funny behaviour for a guy who told us he just wanted to drive and whose heart was still in it etc etc. Why doesn't he just leave, if he wants to stay after this, must be for the dosh

McLaren have been without a title sponsor throughout 2014 and have this season effectively funded the shortfall that left from profits.
Honda is bringing a substantial funds injection to McLaren, but having two drivers on high salaries would necessarily impact on the budget available to develop the car.
Alonso has signed on a contract worth a reputed $40m (£25.5m) a year.
While Button would likely accept a small cut from his previous salary of £12m, he would not come down to the level of Magnussen's salary, which was about £500,000 in 2014.
Button is also known to be unhappy about the lack of respect he feels he has been afforded by a team for whom he has driven for five years, during which time he has won eight races.
Yeah its getting embarrassing. McLaren are hanging him out to dry and he's taking the sh!t with no dignity whatsoever. Only pay drivers would hold out so long with the begging bowl.
Jenson does not need to walk, his contract ends December, 31, so he needs to do nothing. It's McLaren/RD that will be the bad guy, the ball is in their court, they could have told JB that his services are no longer required months back as it's clear that Alonso had signed for McLaren. This whole bulls*** of blaming JB for the situation is stupid, as he is still an employee until the end of 2014, it''s upto McLaren to terminate because if JB did so, he would be in breach of his contract.
I have to agree with you, MOA!!
It's tiresome reading how everything at McLaren is Button's "fault",
when, in fact, he's only one piece of the puzzle called "TEAM"!!
Strange how no one has any counter argument against any statements here about Jensons standing in the team

Expertz can be shown to be wrong easily by pointing out the fallacies they spew, wish someone would disprove anything said about button

Funny how so many agreed that he should just announce he has other options and might not want to sign even if offered, and now after more humiliation he says he will def sign up if offered
But this is not desperate behaviour for a WDC

Watch this space

Jenson Button may be forced to walk away from Formula One after McLaren’s farcical failure to confirm their 2015 driver line-up continued on Thursday night following an inconclusive board meeting.
All eyes had been on McLaren’s board to bring to an end uncertainty around Button’s future, but no white smoke emerged from the team’s Woking factory. “Today’s board meeting has now concluded, and no decision has been taken with regard to our 2015 driver line-up,” a team spokesman said last night. The wait for news has resembled watching paint dry, infuriating Button’s loyal fans.
Button has been waiting to hear from McLaren for months in one of the longest-running driver transfer sagas for years, with Fernando Alonso joining from Ferrari. While Button does not need to give a firm answer to sports car teams in the Le Mans-style World Endurance Championship imminently, insiders indicated that there will come a stage soon when the 34-year-old needs to declare his next move.

But he has to decide whether to hang on for a decision from Dennis - which could take weeks - and risk losing his other options, among which are a move to the world endurance championship, with the Le Mans 24 Hours as its centrepiece.

Maybe the BBc and telegraph are expertz too for pointing out the facts :rofl:
Last edited by CookinFlat6 on 05 Dec 14, 13:45, edited 3 times in total.
Getting back to a substantive discussion, the most shocking piece of info I've come across in this whole Jenson ordeal is that he's won 8 races with McLaren in the five year's he's been there.
A race per season on average at McLaren - that has to be a record - not a good one - for Mclaren

McLaren are doing no wrong at all, they have paid him for this year and have not confirmed him for a new contract. If he has nothing for next year its his fault for not finding a new one. Why complaining that its not fair?
Ironically, it is now Lewis who is at the center of all this. The only thing not sorted is Lewis' contract extension at Merc. And the delay by Mclaren coincides exactly with the postponement of Merc contract talks

It was meant to be right after the last race, Mclaren said their decision would come by December, then Lewis said he was in no hurry to discuss terms, and Mclaren delayed their announcement, they are gonna hold on till the last moment, maybe its Alonso and maybe its Ron, but someone refuses to give up on the possibility of Lewis not extending at Merc

Maybe Ron is keeping Button, Mags and Alonso dangling till he is convinced Lewis aint returning in 2016 - would make sense considering how much it has cost Ron so far to reslise his dreams of Lewis being recognised as the biggest star ever in F1 - a Ron success story he would hate to throw away

Interesting situation, yet Alonso and Mags dont seem concerned at all
Interesting. Dennis doesn't have full control of his team as the board doesn't trust him make driver decisions. I wonder what other decisions Dennis has to defer to the board?

I bet the micro manager doesn't like being micro managed!
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