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Just as it says...
By andrew
These history books usually only document the "winners" version of events.
By vaptin
These history books usually only document the "winners" version of events.

Depends on the quality of the author and publisher.
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By racechick
It depends who' s writing it. But there is some truth in what you say. I prefer history books that show what happened to the ordinary people. That way you see the human side but also pick up the history. Autobiographical novels set in a turbulent historical time are good for this.
By vaptin
A History of China, all 327 standard sized pages and print of it. Figured I might as well work my way up from a starter book, as I know very little about China, and the Library seem to have had all their good books checked out.

Let me know how it goes. Im also wanting to find out more about China.I love what I've seen of the country. I've read Wild Swans and Falling Leaves, Novels I know but both autobiographical with lots of details of Chinese history in them. Next book I've got is The **** of Nanking

Finished it , obviously was a broad overview but really good detail. Think I'll be getting into Chinese history and culture some more.

What's striking is the early rate of advancement, the strength of their bureaucracy and institutions, the notion of the "Empire" and the idea of a "superior" Chinese culture. Motivated by philosophers , that operated in the early days of their civilisation, (particularly Confucius) that provided the basis for the morals of society and governnece, in contradiction to medieval European states that I think were Church dominated. They even had an exam system for entry to the civil service, a system of grain retention by the state for distribution to peasants in times of famine and proposals in the 14th century, of something akin to a national schooling system. Again in contradiction, to Europe (particularly the Romans) the Chinese never had the military that high up in the priority list. Longevity is another feature, periods of disunity and rebellions existed, but the fundamentals of the imperial system were always maintained right up until 1911, even when another faction or a foreign invader assumed control, they adopted it.

I guess, this success, lead to over-conservatism, and eventually resulted in a weaker state, that was being dominated by the imperial powers of Europe, the USA and Japan, the book noted that at a few points in Chinese history, far earlier than in Europe (or anywhere else in the world), the time appeared ripe for industrialisation, for the development of intensive agriculture , scientific society, entrepreneurship and urbanisation, but it happened far too late, and China was exposed to Western (and Japanese) powers, forced into "appeasement" through being unable to counter the military threat, and losing out on large amounts of it's sovereignty (this being in the mid to late 1800s).

Then I guess is what I'd call the third phase in Chinese history, the collapse of the imperial system, revolution and the opening up to new ideas, crucially of course, Marxism and communism. The communists eventually won (after world war 2 and the retreat of Japan) and reunited China, with considerable Soviet influence. I guess the modern history is fairly well known.
By andrew
Finished Puppet on a Chain last night. Great read with a couple of unexpected twists near the end. :thumbup:

Moving onto Force 10 from Navarone next.
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By LewEngBridewell
I'm still on with "Our Mutual Friend". It's a loooooooooooooooooooong book :hehe::cloud9:
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By racechick
I must get it Vaptin. It's sounds a good start to finding out more about China.
By andrew
Nearly at the end of my series of Alistair MacLean novels. So far I've read HMS Ulysses, The Guns of Navarone, South by Java Head, The Last Frontier, Night Without End, Fear is the Key, Ice Station Zebra, When Eight Bells Toll, Where Eagles Dare, Force 10 From Navarone, Puppet on a Chain, Circus and Partisans. I've not long started San Andreas and then it's onto The Lonely Sea. All have been awesome so far and are thoroughly recommended. :thumbup:

Then it's onto Spike Milligans war memoirs.
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By Jabberwocky
I am still reading the Michael R Hicks books. I am reading From Chaos Born at the moment.
By andrew
Well I finished the Alistair MacLean novels the other day. Bloody great they were. I'd thoroughly recommend them. :thumbup:

Just started Adolf Hitler: My Part in his Downfall, the first of Spike Milligans war autobiographies.
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By LewEngBridewell
Not long ago, I finished "Our Mutual Friend" (Charles Dickens), and I'm now about to complete "Unhallowed Ground", by Gillian White.
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By racechick
#359621 ... =super+ego
This might be worth a summer chill out read. It's an F1 book written by Alex Wrtz's wife. It's eight quid odd in paperback but less than a couple of quid on kindle. No brainer! I'm giving it a whirl!
By andrew
This might be worth a summer chill out read. It's an F1 book written by Alex Wrtz's wife. It's eight quid odd in paperback but less than a couple of quid on kindle. No brainer! I'm giving it a whirl!

Is the book about Hamilton trying to drown photographers whilst showing off on a jet ski? She got that one written quick.
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By racechick
This might be worth a summer chill out read. It's an F1 book written by Alex Wrtz's wife. It's eight quid odd in paperback but less than a couple of quid on kindle. No brainer! I'm giving it a whirl!

Is the book about Hamilton trying to drown photographers whilst showing off on a jet ski? She got that one written quick.

:rolleyes: you clearly haven't read the whole of the jet ski story, and why bring it up in a totally differed thread?
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