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By texasmr2
Seeing Senna in that 1994 McLaren makes me feel kind of uneasy... like what might (or rather might not) have happened had he stayed and raced it after testing... :(

yeh such is life eh, you could say if ron had said ok to the lambo engine then he might of been still with us today.

What baffles me is why Ron went with the Pegeout even though it was blatantly obvious that the Lamborghini V12 was a better option.

I dont have the article in front of me but basically it camedown to the package that Peugot offered McLaren at the time. They had the financial means to offer McLaren a multiple year deal where as Lambo did not.
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By madbrad
Lambo powered IIRC Larousse and Lotus at times. Whoever else I never really checked that out but a quick Google could fix that. In the tail end of their presence in F1, Chrysler owned them.

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