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I hope this doesn't violate anything, If it is, moderators please delete. I found this last season and it has been reliable. I I do not take credit for the software, I am just relaying it to you guys who don't get to watch all the cool stuff they got on BBC.

<EDITED FOR CONTENT> People can pm you if they like. DD

Download it, extract it to a folder, run bbc.cmd, than choose the channel option. It puts a proxy on your pc but no big deal. If you experience browser problems after you close it, go to your browser and make sure it is not using a proxy .
It is technically copyright infringement as the copyright doesn't extend to US based viewers but as it allows for more people to watch F1, I'll allow it as in the US unless you have SpeedTV; it's inaccessible! And I do something similar with a UK based VPN although free proxies tend not to have the bandwidth to cope with streaming video so don't be surprised if it doesn't work!

And as always make sure you scan anything downloaded from the Internet with your anti-virus software, TRUST NO-ONE!... you do have anti-virus, right?

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