- F1 Forum

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Introduce yourself, go on, don't be shy!
Hi folks!

I sort of feel I didn`t quite step inside here with the right foot but whatever.
I found this place last year, though for some reasons known for myself I didn`t settle down and didn`t become a regular.
So now I found out I haven`t properly introduced myself as now I`m here for a long term plan :)

Now for the introduction part:

My username is Rivers as you can read below my avatar.
I live in Latvia, if anyone knows where it is...

Obviously F1 is in my sphere of interests. I`ve been following F1 for around 11 years or so. So not that new to that side.
Anyway I`m intersted in other motorsports aswell, WRC is also ok etc... As I`m living at countryside I`ve got enough room to chill out and have fun with some vehicles :P
Gear lubricating oil? That`s my favorite one :wink: Doing some repair stuff can be fun 8-)

I do not know what else to tell. Any questions? We`ll see.

So see you around people!


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