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By headless
Anyone got any previous experience with Python programming?
Any tips/hints?
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By Denthúl
Not really. I had a look and I didn't like the structuring etc. but people claim that it is easier to learn an object-oriented language and then learn non-object-oriented languages later than to do it the other way around. It's always good to have a goal in mind when you're learning, in my opinion, otherwise you're sat wanting to code and improve your skills, but you're unable to think of something to do.

How come you chose Python in particular?
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By McLaren
I think snakes pretty much do as they like.Keep an eye on your mouse aswell

*I will get my coat*
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By headless
good to have a goal in mind

Aye it helps
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By Denthúl
That's actually a problem I'm having right now. I need to find something to do, to improve my knowledge, understanding and experience of Perl, but I can't think of anything. I imagine there are loads of things I could do for work, but the LEA's filtering system prevents me from installing new modules from CPAN, so I can't get, say, Win32::GuiTest which would let me control application windows with the script. Effectively, that would let me automate our full software install by sending mouse-clicks and simulated keystrokes to the system.


As a starter, do a couple of tutorials, then write a small program to print all of the prime numbers between 0 and 1000. :)

Edit: Actually, that might be a little hard for starting out...

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