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By Ste L
Finally got myself a 50mm 1.8, been putting it off as they dont auto focus on the D40, but i thought, i'll give it ago anyway...

here it is next to my main weapon of choice, the 70-300VR,
it look's like a toy with that monster next to it :lol:


and one of the rest of my kit, so far


Nikon D40
Nikon AF-S VR 70-300 f/4.5-5.6G IF-ED
Nikon AF-S 18-105 f3.5-5.6 DX VR
Nikon AF 50mm f/1.8D
Nikon ML L3 Remote control

saving for a D90 or possible a D300(when the D400 comes out and second hand prices drop), also want a 35mm 1.4

here's a sample image from the 50mm
tiny bit grainy as it was at ISO800

By Ste L
Is it crap?

well seeing as it's less than $300 for a mega tele zoom, then the answer would be yes

looks for the equilant cannon(if they do one) it would be around 4k +

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