- F1 Forum

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Introduce yourself, go on, don't be shy!
By Richach
This is a step up in Pace form me, i have come from the Transit forum none the less. Come on Lewis, Jenson and Maldanado and why not!
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By LewEngBridewell
Welcome! :wavey:

Hope you enjoy your stay :drink:
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By racechick
Because maldo is a mental thug :D Welcome to the forum Richach :wavey:
By What's Burning?
Welcome to our forum.
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By myownalias
Welcome to the forum; you support one of the drivers I do; I'll give you a hint, it's not the first or last one... looking forward to hearing your views!
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By racechick
Soundly stupid, I'll give you that!!
By What's Burning?
How come Richach's welcome thread isn't as big as yours Jessie?

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