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As all you know, we Aussies are rather "passionate" about our V8Supercars formula down under.....and you've all heard of or maybe seen glipses of the famous Mt Panorama track at Bathurst.

So the next round of this year's season is on this weekend from the Gold Coast. Yep...for the North Americans, this is thr weekend that the CART/ Indy teams used to hold their annual race on the streets of the Gold Coast. But since the Americans pulled the pin, and A1GP was a dramatic "no show" last year, the V8Supercars now own the event themselves....and this year they have a sensattional concept to attract international interest.

There is a 300km both Saturday and Sunday....and each car must be paired by a regular driver and an "international driver". So if you are wondering what your superstars are doing this weekend....

Helio Castro-Neves
Dario Franchitti
Scott Pruett
Sebastian Bordais
Scott Dixon
Will Power
Jaques Villeneuve
....just to name a few!

Check out the event website

If I find a web stream I'll post it!

    See our F1 related articles too!