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It must be the extra bone in Lewis' ankle that allows him to use considerably less fuel than the superiors minded Nico. :hehe:
It must be the extra bone in Lewis' ankle that allows him to use considerably less fuel than the superiors minded Nico. :hehe:

Em...extra bone? WB, just what are you getting at?
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By racechick
It must be the extra bone in Lewis' ankle that allows him to use considerably less fuel than the superiors minded Nico. :hehe:

Em...extra bone? WB, just what are you getting at?

And right down to his ankle! :P or am I barking up the wrong tree here?
It must be the extra bone in Lewis' ankle that allows him to use considerably less fuel than the superiors minded Nico. :hehe:

Em...extra bone? WB, just what are you getting at?

And right down to his ankle! :P or am I barking up the wrong tree here?

No, I suspect that's the right tree for you, our RC! :wink:

Such fun!
By Hammer278
John Watson, on the radio clampdown bit and how it will affect the Lewis/Nico Championship battle: "If you take away a lot of the, what you might call, 'driver assists' it's going to come down to those with the spare capacity. My assumption is [that will be] someone like Rosberg, Alonso, Vettel and possibly Ricciardo." Expanding on the intra-team battle at Mercedes, five-time race winner Watson said: "In my thought, Rosberg is intellectually superior to Lewis. I would imagine that because of that he's going to gain an advantage." (Source:

Spare capacity?!!! Intellectually superior?!!! Here we go again. Mr. Watson, why not come right out and say what you really mean—Lewis is a right dunce! #zerorespectforwatson

F***ing racist. Despite all the evidence in this "fuel/tyre saving" era and how Lewis is continuing to outperform Mr Multilingual, he's still a dumbo....based on what evidence? Nothing. This Watson guy is just a goddamn racist. :censored: his analysis, I just hope Lewis' car remains as/more reliable than Nicos the rest of the season.
Geez you Lewis fans never give up. Lewis fans are so defensive of the guy, they don't want anything to even be discussed about his shortcomings. Lewis fans are such whiners, they are so touchy, he's a good driver but he's so moody.

It's to the point where I want Lewis to win his second championship so people can STFU about their veiled racist comments.
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By racechick
And folk reckon there's no racism anywhere near F1? What a joke that is! it's funnier than Lewis' Ali G joke!!
We'd have to ask him how his assumptions have panned out. He doesn't give an explanation as to how the dumb guy manages to be better on fuel and tires than the super intelligent guy that parks it during Q and take his teammate out even though he could have chosen not to is clearly going to benefit even though he's unable to match him at the moment. I guess he feels that Nico is part of the master race? Who knows. I just want the guys to race on the track. Not really into who's smarter since I'm sure I'm smarter than both of them. :D
He has given his opinion, I am at a lose as to how it is racism.

I am sure if he said Nico would lose out because of the radio clamp down. No one would be jumping up and down saying he hates germans.

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His opinion is short on facts. I guess we'll see what happens. But the people that defend racism the most are the ones that have never experienced it first hand for themselves.

So when talking to a young Hispanic woman, oh you don't have a child?
Oh, you're Cuban? But you don't have an accent.
Oh you're Japanese? Are you really good at math in school?

Nothing racist there right?

There is implied racism in the world all about us, it's the perpetuating of what we expect versus what is in front of us. In the US it's statistically proven that ethnic sounding names on a resume are less likely to get called back. Why? Would you say you're a racist if you overlook someone's resume because you didn't like their name? Probably not. There's likely a half dozen easy excuses one can make, but when you look at something from a statistical point of view and it sticks out like sore thumb, there is an ugly undertone that cannot be easily denied.

I think all too often we hear racism and we think a lynching has to take place to qualify as such. Those who've never experienced it have an easy time turning a blind eye to it.
Jabs, he said Nico was intellectually superior - there is no evidence or rationale, in a driving context he has no evidence of how able Lewis is to learn and apply what he has learnt. This smells of predjudice
He didn't say Nico had superior academic education which is what the evidence says. He says Lewis is unable to learn and apply what he has learnt, or remember or take on abstract or complex info

Does he know in detail how quickly these guys assimilate info? No - it's a lazy assumption - which is what fascists do - everyone who looks like this must be like this, despite evidence that in any sample population, away from the average distribution you will have those a the way up and down the scale

If I said a Scottish driver is more tight fisted than his teammate without evidence this would be because I expect EVERY Scot to be tightfisted, - which is plainly stupid, bigoted,and most of all lazy and useless etc etc. When you beleive every single member of a race/class/group/umpalumpa/sexuality are EXACTLY the same in hereditary ways you are suddenly in the world of eugenics and then its easy to discrminate against or even harm an entire group that include children 0 because according to you they all share this thing

How can anyone be stupid enough in this day and age to subscribe to or condone these primitive beliefs, especially when we know that if these guys get their way they dont stop with the minority in question - they gonna come after YOU sooner o later because you might not conform 100% to their dream. the reason smart people dont like rascists is not because they particularily like a certain group its because they know their history and know exactly where it will end. Its the weaker lazy minds that get some tittilation and dont realise that it starts with the small things.

Intellectually superior? In a driving context? When one guy has not shown any less aptitude at learning? If anything I think Nico is more academic minded, maybe likes doing intelectual things , but intellectually superior? and can't learn how to save more fuel after 12 races?

The guy appears like an airhead , less street smarts, less race craft (another racing manifestation of intellect)

It's annoying when lazy people generalise instead of qualify - imagine saying he has a career long mental weakness after 2 races of coming back from setbacks to beat his knowledge stuffed teammate who can't apply his book knowledge

Embarrassing frankly
Last edited by CookinFlat6 on 18 Sep 14, 16:26, edited 1 time in total.
ugh, there you go cookie, using words again do defend your point. It would be so much simpler if you just made a short one liner snide comment. :hehe:

This isn't about you jabbs, I know you're looking down the center of the lane, but it's been my experience when someone ends an argument with me by calling me a f*ing spic, then I'm going to be inclined to think they're racist. Some comments are not as easy to spot, Oh, you must be good at math but the framework for which is made, intentional or not, is there and it is very real for people with shades or skin that are too far from the shade of white we like.
I am not defending racism, I am just saying I do not see it in what he said. I get "oh you're Welsh, you don't have an accent" a lot. Are you saying that the people who say it to me are being racist/nationalistic or just making an observation?

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I'm saying that the same way some people expect (BTW I've no clue what a Welsh accent sounds like) you to have an accent yet you don't. Which is something that's engrained in societal machinations, but obviously not something that can be made into a blanket statement. Others attempt the same, and make the assumption that a black man would not be as astute as the German guy for the same completely devoid of substance expectations. Since there is no evidence presented that has a logical explanation as to why he feels the way he does, then it's an Occham's razor explanation IMO.

Maybe we should move this to its own thread. :hehe:
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