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I would have got loads of points if it wasn't for Alonso, Force India, McLaren, Red Bull and Mercadies all being in the wrong order....

Nill Points!

"If it wasn't for"... you realise that's normally used for one or two things going wrong not 5 :P lmao :hehe:
I would have got loads of points if it wasn't for Alonso, Force India, McLaren, Red Bull and Mercadies all being in the wrong order....

Nill Points!

"If it wasn't for"... you realise that's normally used for one or two things going wrong not 5 :P lmao :hehe:

I would have got loads of points if it wasn't for Alonso, Force India, McLaren, Red Bull and Mercadies all being in the wrong order....

Nill Points!

"If it wasn't for"... you realise that's normally used for one or two things going wrong not 5 :P lmao :hehe:


If it wasn't for everyone in the top 10 finishing where they did I would have got max points! :hehe:
Results are up; I have just finished watching the race on the iPlayer; I avoid all Internets when I haven't seen the race...

Overall Results:

Race Results:

Aptly Frontrunner is the new overall leader after claiming 27 points in Malaysia, Jabberwocky wins the round with 43 points!
The idea is to get as few a points as possible, yes.....?

I think we'll all be better off if that was the case; only 2 points for me this time... silly Ferrari/Alonso for not pitting at the end of lap 1!

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