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By cristoball50

I just wanted to share my free open source tool for performing all formula car related suspesnion calculations. Feedback would be greatly appreciated :)

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By scotty
Let's see it then! :P
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By Mr.Conte
I've always been intrigued by the Bose suspension system.
If any of you are familiar with it, the system is based around electric servos and a very slick ground radar.
This is the same company that produces the sounds systems seen on TV.
It is an active system that looks to work very well from the video.
There are no springs involved.
This would be a nice technology for F1 to investigate as an alternative to ground effects.
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By stonemonkey
I've always been intrigued by the Bose suspension system.
If any of you are familiar with it, the system is based around electric servos and a very slick ground radar.
This is the same company that produces the sounds systems seen on TV.
It is an active system that looks to work very well from the video.
There are no springs involved.
This would be a nice technology for F1 to investigate as an alternative to ground effects.

Active suspension was banned from F1 in the 90s.

There are some interesting looking systems though...
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By Mr.Conte
They need to allow it again as if it can be used in production, It is viable and reliable for F1.
We would see much better chances at over taking in turns due to the issue of curbs being nullified to some extent.
The cars would be safer on them.
Were all of the cars electric or were there any fuel cell vehicles in the zero emission races?

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